Anna’s net income is $40,000 per year. What is the most she should spend towards housing each year?

The standard seems to be to spend no more than 30% of your income for housing.

0.3 * 40,000 = ?

To determine the most Anna should spend towards housing, we can look at the general guideline of the 30% rule. According to this rule, it is recommended that no more than 30% of one's income should be spent on housing expenses.

To calculate the amount Anna should spend on housing annually, we can use the following formula:
Housing expense = (Percentage allocated for housing / 100) * Net income

Substituting the given values:
Housing expense = (30 / 100) * $40,000

Calculating the result:
Housing expense = 0.3 * $40,000
Housing expense = $12,000

Therefore, the most Anna should spend towards housing each year is $12,000.