For the following:

(a) John is angry because Mary murdered the platypus
(b) Mary murdered the platypus

The answer:

A. (a) entails (b)

B. (a) presupposes (b)

C. Both

Now it's your turn. What do you think?

Both entails and presuppposes?

Did John know about the murder first? Or did she murder the platypus first?

she murdered the platypus first

Then I think it's only (a).

Read through the ANSWER (don't worry about the questions) here:

To determine the relationship between the two statements "John is angry because Mary murdered the platypus" (a) and "Mary murdered the platypus" (b), we can analyze them based on entailment and presupposition.

Entailment refers to the relationship between two statements where the truth of one statement guarantees the truth of the other. In this case, if John is angry because Mary murdered the platypus (a), it logically follows that Mary must have committed the act of murdering the platypus (b). Therefore, (a) entails (b).

Presupposition, on the other hand, refers to the underlying assumptions or beliefs conveyed within a statement. In this case, the statement (a) presupposes that Mary murdered the platypus (b) because the anger of John is based on the assumption that Mary committed the act. Therefore, (a) presupposes (b).

Considering both the concepts of entailment and presupposition, the correct answer would be (C) Both.