What are the formulas for the following:

Volume ratio
Area ratio
Perimeter ratio
Angle outside the Circle
Angle inside the Circle
Angle on the Circle

To find the formulas for the following quantities, let's break them down one by one:

1. Volume ratio: The volume ratio compares the volumes of two objects or shapes. The general formula for volume ratio depends on the specific shapes you are comparing. For example, if you are comparing the volumes of two cubes, the volume ratio would be given by (Volume of Cube 1) / (Volume of Cube 2). It is important to note that the specific shape and dimensions of the objects being compared will determine the formula for the volume ratio in each case.

2. Area ratio: The area ratio compares the areas of two objects or shapes. Similar to the volume ratio, the specific shapes being compared will determine the formula for the area ratio. For example, if you are comparing the areas of two rectangles, the area ratio would be given by (Area of Rectangle 1) / (Area of Rectangle 2). Again, it is crucial to consider the specific shape and dimensions of the objects you are comparing to determine the formula for the area ratio.

3. Perimeter ratio: The perimeter ratio compares the perimeters of two objects or shapes. Similar to the previous ratios, the specific shapes being compared will determine the formula for the perimeter ratio. For instance, if you are comparing the perimeters of two squares, the perimeter ratio would be given by (Perimeter of Square 1) / (Perimeter of Square 2). As always, the specific shape and dimensions of the objects being compared will dictate the formula for the perimeter ratio.

4. Angle outside the Circle: The term "angle outside the circle" is not a standard geometric term, so there is no specific formula associated with it. However, if you are referring to the measure of an angle formed by a line that intersects the circle externally, the formula to calculate that angle would depend on the specific information given (e.g., position of the intercepting line, location of the center of the circle).

5. Angle inside the Circle: Similarly, the term "angle inside the circle" is not a standard geometric term. However, if you are referring to the measure of an angle formed by a line that intersects the circle internally, the formula to calculate that angle would rely on the given information about the location of the line, the circle's center, and other relevant details.

6. Angle on the Circle: Again, the term "angle on the circle" is not a standard geometric term, so there is no specific formula associated with it. However, if you are referring to the measure of an angle formed by two lines that intersect at a point on the circumference of the circle, the calculation of that angle would depend on the given information about the location of the intersection point, the circle's center, and other relevant details.

In summary, it is essential to clarify the specific context and given information to determine the exact formulas for the volume ratio, area ratio, perimeter ratio, angle outside the circle, angle inside the circle, and angle on the circle.