



forty-hundreths = .40

four-tenths = .4

six-tenths = ?

sixteen-hundreths = ??

forty-hundredths = 0.40

four-tenths = 0.4

I'll be glad to check your answers for the other two fractions.

six-tenths 0.6

sixteen-hundreths 0.16

Right! Good job!



To understand the terms "forty-hundredths," "four-tenths," "six-tenths," and "sixteen-hundredths," we first need to review place value in decimal numbers.

In a decimal number, the digits to the left of the decimal point represent whole numbers, while the digits to the right of the decimal point represent fractions or parts of a whole. Each digit to the right of the decimal point has a specific place value.

Now let's break down each term:

1. "Forty-hundredths":
- To understand this term, we need to know that "hundredths" is the place value two positions to the right of the decimal point.
- "Forty" indicates that the number is 40 times the value of one-hundredth.
- Therefore, "forty-hundredths" is equivalent to the fraction 40/100, which can be simplified to 2/5 or the decimal value 0.40.

2. "Four-tenths":
- "Tenths" is the place value immediately to the right of the decimal point.
- "Four" indicates that the number is 4 times the value of one-tenth.
- Thus, "four-tenths" is equivalent to the fraction 4/10, which can be simplified to 2/5 or the decimal value 0.4.

3. "Six-tenths":
- Similar to the previous term, "six-tenths" means that the number is 6 times the value of one-tenth.
- Consequently, "six-tenths" is equivalent to the fraction 6/10. It can also be simplified to 3/5 or the decimal value 0.6.

4. "Sixteen-hundredths":
- "Sixteen" denotes that the number is 16 times the value of one-hundredth.
- Therefore, "sixteen-hundredths" is equivalent to the fraction 16/100, which can be simplified to 4/25 or the decimal value 0.16.

So, "forty-hundredths" is equivalent to 0.40, "four-tenths" is equivalent to 0.4, "six-tenths" is equivalent to 0.6, and "sixteen-hundredths" is equivalent to 0.16.