i told my boyfriend his eyes are cute and he asked me "what is so cute about his eyes?" And i cant find right words to say. plz help me //thank u (:

I don't know what's "cute" about eyes. How do you define "cute?" Maybe you need a more specific adjective.

Back in the dark ages when I was young, we used to admire boys with "bedroom eyes."

his are dark brown, almost looking like black.

When answering your boyfriend's question about what is cute about his eyes, you can give specific examples and express your feelings. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you find the right words to explain what makes his eyes cute:

1. Reflect on his eye characteristics: Take a moment to think about what catches your attention and makes his eyes stand out. Consider the color, shape, expression, or any unique features.

2. Recall moments that made an impression: Think about specific instances when you found his eyes particularly appealing or charming. For example, you might remember a time when he looked at you with love, kindness, or excitement.

3. Express your feelings: Use positive and affectionate language to describe the emotions his eyes evoke in you. Focus on adjectives such as "captivating," "mesmerizing," "endearing," or "adorable."

4. Be genuine and sincere: While finding the right words is important, being authentic in expressing your feelings is even more crucial. Your sincerity and genuine affection will resonate with your boyfriend.

Putting it all together, here's an example response you can use: "When I say your eyes are cute, I mean it in the most heartfelt way. They have this captivating sparkle that brightens up my day. Whenever you look at me with those mesmerizing eyes, I feel an overwhelming sense of love and warmth. It's like you have this unique way of expressing your genuine emotions, and that's what I find so incredibly adorable about your eyes."

Remember, the most important aspect is to be yourself and speak from your heart.