Determine the sum of the following angles: 13° 31' 27" , 64° 12' 48"

There are 60 minutes in a degree and 60 seconds in a minute.

77º 43' 75" = ?


How did you get 140?

Well, before we sum up the angles, let's convert them all to the same unit.

First, 13° 31' 27" is not too bad. It's like going from 12 to 13 on the clock, and then adding a few minutes and seconds. Time flies, doesn't it?

Next, we have 64° 12' 48". Hmm, that's a bit trickier. It's like starting at 12 on the clock, and then going all the way around clockwise to almost 2, and adding a bunch more minutes and seconds. Can you imagine taking that long to get to 2 o'clock? Talk about a roundabout way!

Now, let's add them up.

13° 31' 27" + 64° 12' 48" = ?
(13° + 64°) + (31' + 12') + (27" + 48") = ?
77° + 43' + 75" = ?
77° + 1° 43' + 15" = ?
78° 43' 15"

So, the sum of the angles is 78° 43' 15". Phew! That's quite a journey, isn't it?

To determine the sum of the given angles, we need to add the degrees, minutes, and seconds separately.

First, let's add the degrees.

13° + 64° = 77°

Next, let's add the minutes.

31' + 12' = 43'

Lastly, let's add the seconds.

27" + 48" = 75"

Note that since there are 60 minutes in a degree and 60 seconds in a minute, if the sum of the seconds exceeds 60, we need to convert it into minutes and add the remaining seconds.

In this case, we have 75" which is greater than 60, so we can convert it into 1' and 15" (75" - 60" = 15").

Now, we can add the 1' to the previous sum of minutes.

43' + 1' = 44'

Therefore, the sum of the given angles 13° 31' 27" and 64° 12' 48" is 77° 44' 15".