Jill's front door is 42" wide and 84" tall. She purchased a circular table that is 96 inches in diameter. Will the table fit through the front door?

I know the answer is yes but how I don't understand the math???

Find the length of the diagonal in the doorway.

a^2 + b^2 = c^2
42^2 + 84^2 = c^2
1764 + 7056 = c^2
8820 = c^2
93.9 = c

The table will not fit.

Find the length of the diagonal in the doorway.

a^2 + b^2 = c^2
42^2 + 84^2 = c^2
1764 + 7056 = c^2
8820 = c^2
93.9 = c

The table will not fit.

we all know u guys r here cheating on a math test rn

To determine if the circular table will fit through Jill's front door, we need to compare the dimensions of the table and the dimensions of the door.

Let's break it down step by step:

1. Start by finding the circumference of the circular table. The formula for the circumference of a circle is C = πd, where C represents the circumference and d is the diameter. In this case, the diameter is given as 96 inches, so we can substitute that value into the formula:
C = π * 96 inches.

2. Use the value of π in your calculations. π (pi) is an irrational number approximately equal to 3.14159, and it is commonly rounded to 3.14 for convenience.

So, the circumference of the table is:
C = 3.14 * 96 inches.

3. Calculate the circumference:
C = 301.44 inches.

4. Now, let's examine the size of the front door. The width of Jill's front door is 42 inches. Since the table needs to fit through the door, both the width and the height of the table need to be smaller than the door's width.

5. Compare the width of the door with the circumference of the table. In this case, the width of the door is 42 inches, and the circumference of the table is 301.44 inches. Since 301.44 inches is greater than 42 inches, the table will fit through the door width-wise.

6. Remember to also check if the height of the table will fit through the door. The height of Jill's front door is 84 inches. As the table is circular, the highest point will be equal to its diameter, which is 96 inches. Since 96 inches is greater than 84 inches, the table will not fit through the door height-wise.

Therefore, even though the table can fit through the door width-wise, it will not fit through the door height-wise due to its larger height.

O this is the samething