rewrite division as multiplication and answere as fraction


but i don't see any division operation,, it's only subtraction...

To rewrite the expression "-37 - (78)" as a multiplication problem and answer it as a fraction, we can multiply -37 by the reciprocal of 78.

The reciprocal of 78 is 1/78.

So, the rewritten expression is: -37 * (1/78).

Multiplying -37 by 1/78 gives us -37/78 as the fraction answer.

To rewrite the division as multiplication and express the answer as a fraction, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Rewrite the division as a fraction.

Step 2: Simplify the fraction if possible.
In this case, the numerator (-37) and denominator (-78) have a common factor of -1. So we can simplify by dividing both the numerator and denominator by -1.
(-37)/(-78) = 37/78

Step 3: Convert the fraction to a mixed number or whole number if needed.
37/78 cannot be further simplified, so it remains as an improper fraction.

Therefore, the answer to the division problem -37/(-78) expressed as a fraction is 37/78.