ted put several different integers in order from least to greatest . he then put the same integers in order from greatest to least . both times the same number was third in order . explain how this is possible

There are five integers.

thank you very much


To understand how this is possible, let's break it down step by step:

Step 1: Ted puts the integers in order from least to greatest.
Step 2: The same number appears as the third in order.
Step 3: Ted then puts the same integers in order from greatest to least.

Now, let's consider the possible scenarios:

Scenario 1:
In the original list from least to greatest, let's assume the third number is 'X'. When Ted reverses the order from greatest to least, 'X' still remains in the same position because he is simply flipping the order. Therefore, in this scenario, it is possible for the same number to be the third in both orders.

Scenario 2:
In the original list from least to greatest, let's assume the third number is 'X'. However, when Ted reverses the order from greatest to least, 'X' no longer remains in the third position. In this case, it would not be possible for the same number to be the third in both orders.

Since the prompt states that the same number is the third in both orders, we can deduce that Scenario 1 is the correct explanation.