how to convert 1kg 400gms into mixed fraction

There are 1000 gm in a kilogram. Therefore, 1 kg 400 gm is the same as 1 400/1000 kg. Reduce your fraction and you have your answer.

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To convert 1kg 400g into a mixed fraction, we need to understand that 1kg is equal to 1000g. So, we can start by converting 1kg into grams and then adding the remaining grams.

1kg = 1000g
1kg 400g = 1000g + 400g = 1400g

Now, we can write 1400g as a mixed fraction.

1. Divide the total grams (1400) by the denominator of the fraction (in this case 1000) to get the whole number part:
1400 ÷ 1000 = 1

The whole number part is 1.

2. The remainder (400) becomes the numerator of the fraction.

So the mixed fraction of 1kg 400g is 1 400/1000.

Next, you can simplify the fraction by dividing both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor, which is 200.

1 400/1000 = 1 (400 ÷ 200) / (1000 ÷ 200) = 1 2/5

So, the final answer is 1 2/5.