Can you please help me check these sentences? Thank you very much.

1.Some schools valued their pupils' athletic prowess more than their scholarly ones.
2.Factory owners were also oblidged by legislation to teach their duty (? they apprentices).
3.One of the most important writers of that period was Charles Dickens, that wrote novels such as Hard Times and Oliver Twist.
4.Another movement was that of historians, which viewed the Bible asa record of historical events.
5.The Origin of Species proposed the theory that living beings actually evolved from lower species rather than having been created by a higher power.

1. Some schools valued their pupils' athletic prowess more than their academic skills.

2. Factory owners were also obliged by legislation to teach duty to their apprentices. [I'm not quite sure what you mean by "duty"]

3. One of the most important writers of that period was Charles Dickens; he wrote novels such as Hard Times and Oliver Twist.

4. Another movement was that of the historians, who viewed the Bible as a record of historical events.

5. The Origin of Species proposed the theory that living beings actually evolved from lower species rather than having been created by a higher power.