If you add: 2 1/2 plus 3 yards and 6 inches and 6 1/3 yards. How many yards do you have?

To add different units of measurement, such as yards and inches, it is necessary to convert all the measurements to the same unit before adding them together. In this case, we need to convert the 2 1/2 (or 2.5) yards to inches, so that we can perform the addition.

To convert 2.5 yards to inches, we can use the conversion factor that there are 36 inches in one yard. So, multiplying 2.5 yards by 36 will give us the equivalent measurement in inches: 2.5 yards * 36 = 90 inches.

Now, let's rewrite the problem with all the measurements in inches:

2 1/2 yards = 90 inches
3 yards and 6 inches = 3 yards * 36 inches + 6 inches = 108 inches
6 1/3 yards = 6.33 yards * 36 inches = 228 inches

Now we can add all the measurements together: 90 inches + 108 inches + 228 inches = 426 inches.

Finally, we need to convert the result back to yards. Since there are 36 inches in a yard, dividing 426 inches by 36 will give us the equivalent measurement in yards: 426 inches / 36 = 11.83 yards.

Therefore, if you add 2 1/2 plus 3 yards and 6 inches and 6 1/3 yards, the total measurement will be approximately 11.83 yards.