julie carried out a chemical reaction using magnesium and an acid the products of the reaction were magnesium chloride and hydrogen.

julie collected a test tube of the hydrogen.
describe what she should do to show that it was hydrogen.

To show that the gas collected in the test tube is indeed hydrogen, Julie can perform the following steps:

1. Ignition Test: Julie should position the test tube with the collected gas in an upright position. Using a long-handled ignition source, such as a lighted wooden splint or a small stick with a lit match at the end, she can carefully bring the flame near the mouth of the test tube.

2. Your Prediction: Before actually igniting the gas, Julie should make a prediction about what will happen. Since hydrogen gas is highly flammable, it will react exothermically with the oxygen in the air. This reaction will produce a characteristic popping sound or a small explosion at the mouth of the test tube.

3. Ignition: Julie should quickly ignite the gas by bringing the flame near the mouth of the test tube. She should be cautious and keep her face and body away from the test tube while doing this.

4. Observation: Julie should observe and record the results of the test. She should note if a popping sound or a small explosion occurs. Additionally, she should look for any physical changes in the gas or any signs of combustion, such as a flame appearing at the mouth of the test tube.

5. Conclusion: Based on the observations, if Julie hears the characteristic popping sound or observes combustion, it indicates the presence of hydrogen gas. This confirms that the gas collected in the test tube is indeed hydrogen.

It is important to note that safety precautions should always be followed while performing experiments involving gases and fire.