After writing a paragraph about a movie how would you put three comparative and three superlatives?

Without knowing what you have said, I have no idea.

But ...

These are comparatives:
more beautiful
more handsome

These are superlatives:
most detailed
very charming

Post the paragraph you have written and make sure there are three of each in it. Someone here will double-check it for you.

To include three comparative adjectives and three superlative adjectives in a paragraph about a movie, you can compare different aspects of the film to convey your opinions. Comparative adjectives are used to compare two things, while superlative adjectives are used to compare three or more things. Here's an example:

"Overall, the movie was enjoyable, but it could have been better. Firstly, the special effects were impressive, but I've seen better in other action films. The storyline was decent, although it could have been more captivating. Secondly, the acting was solid, but I've seen more compelling performances by other actors. On the positive side, the cinematography was excellent, capturing breathtaking scenes throughout the film. The soundtrack was also great, complementing the emotions portrayed on screen. However, the most remarkable aspect of this movie was the exceptional directing, which truly elevated the entire viewing experience. In conclusion, while this film had its strengths, there are definitely other movies out there that surpass it in various aspects."