How to write 23th march 2011 in 5 letter without using number

I have no idea, even in Roman numerals.




The day Elizabeth Taylor died.

To write "23th March 2011" using only 5 letters without utilizing numbers, you can use the following approach:

Step 1: Break the date down into its individual components:
- Day: 23rd
- Month: March
- Year: 2011

Step 2: Represent the day using a word or abbreviation that has 5 letters. For example:
- "Twenty-third" can be abbreviated as "23rd".
- Another option can be "twent".

Step 3: Represent the month using a word or abbreviation that has 5 letters. For example:
- "March" can be abbreviated as "march".
- Another option can be "mar".

Step 4: Represent the year using a word or abbreviation that has 5 letters. For example:
- "2011" can be abbreviated as "2k11".
- Another option could be "yr11".

Therefore, you could represent "23th March 2011" in 5 letters as "twent mar 2k11" or "twent mar yr11".