So in paragraph 2 in Swimming Strokes by Lee Carroll there is only one error in pronoun-antecedent agreement such as getting the rhythm of your breathing down

To find the error in pronoun-antecedent agreement in Paragraph 2 of "Swimming Strokes" by Lee Carroll, you can follow these steps:

1. Read through the paragraph carefully, paying attention to sentences that involve pronouns (such as "your," "we," or "it") and their antecedents (the nouns they refer to).

2. Identify any instances where there might be a disagreement between the pronoun and its antecedent. In this case, the sentence you mentioned is: "getting the rhythm of your breathing down."

3. Analyze the antecedent ("your breathing") and the pronoun ("your"). If they agree in terms of number, gender, and person, then there is no error. However, if there is a disagreement, you have likely found the error.

In this particular sentence, there does not appear to be a pronoun-antecedent disagreement. The pronoun "your" clearly refers to the noun "breathing," and they agree both in number (singular) and person (second person).

Therefore, in Paragraph 2 of "Swimming Strokes" by Lee Carroll, there is no error in pronoun-antecedent agreement in the sentence you provided.