Conjugate the following irregular verbs in the simple present tense (Indicative).?

>> are my answers correct.
tener (to have) yo >> tengo
tener (to have) nosotros >> tenemos
venir (to come) tu >> vienes
venir (to come) nosotros >> venimos
salir (to leave) el/ella >> sale
volver (to return) ellos/ellas >> vuelven

Looks good.

except for the accent on "tú"


Your answers are mostly correct! Here is the full conjugation of the irregular verbs in the simple present tense (Indicative):

tener (to have):
- yo: tengo
- tú: tienes
- él/ella/usted: tiene
- nosotros/nosotras: tenemos
- vosotros/vosotras: tenéis
- ellos/ellas/ustedes: tienen

venir (to come):
- yo: vengo
- tú: vienes
- él/ella/usted: viene
- nosotros/nosotras: venimos
- vosotros/vosotras: venís
- ellos/ellas/ustedes: vienen

salir (to leave):
- yo: salgo
- tú: sales
- él/ella/usted: sale
- nosotros/nosotras: salimos
- vosotros/vosotras: salís
- ellos/ellas/ustedes: salen

volver (to return):
- yo: vuelvo
- tú: vuelves
- él/ella/usted: vuelve
- nosotros/nosotras: volvemos
- vosotros/vosotras: volvéis
- ellos/ellas/ustedes: vuelven

To conjugate irregular verbs in the simple present tense, you need to memorize their irregularities. These changes can occur in the stem, or sometimes even in the ending of the verb. In the case of the verbs you listed:

- Tener: The "e" in the stem changes to "ie" for all conjugations except for nosotros/nosotras and vosotros/vosotras.
- Venir: The "e" in the stem changes to "ie" for all conjugations except for nosotros/nosotras and vosotros/vosotras.
- Salir: There are no stem changes in this verb, but notice that the conjugation for tú adds an "s" at the end.
- Volver: The "o" in the stem changes to "ue" for all conjugations except for nosotros/nosotras and vosotros/vosotras.

By memorizing these irregularities, you will be able to conjugate irregular verbs in the simple present tense correctly. Keep practicing and you will become more familiar with these irregular verb forms!