
1. the mystery shape has at least 2 congruent sides.
2. it has fewer than 2 obtuse angles.
3. it has more than 1 line of symmetry.
4. it has at least 1 acute angle.
A. equilateral triangle
B. trapezoid
C. square
D. lsosceles right triangle
E. parallelogram
F. scalene triangle

What do you think? Are these right?

1.the mystery shape has at least 2 lines of symmetry
2. it has no pairs of perpendicular sides
3.it has more than 3 congruent angles
4. its total angle measure is between 180 degrees and 720 degrees
A. regular hexagon
B. equilateral triangle
C. square
D. pentagon
E. rhombus
F. regular pentagon

What do you think? Are these right?

To determine the correct shape for each question, let's analyze the given information and match it with the characteristics of the options.

1. The mystery shape has at least 2 congruent sides.
The options that have at least 2 congruent sides are equilateral triangle, isosceles right triangle, square, and scalene triangle.

2. It has fewer than 2 obtuse angles.
The shapes that have fewer than 2 obtuse angles are equilateral triangle, square, and isosceles right triangle.

3. It has more than 1 line of symmetry.
The shapes that have more than 1 line of symmetry are square and isosceles right triangle.

4. It has at least 1 acute angle.
Since all the options listed have at least one acute angle, this information does not help us narrow down the choices.

Taking all the information into account, the shape that satisfies all the given conditions is the square. So the answer is C. square.

1. The mystery shape has at least 2 lines of symmetry.
The shapes that have at least 2 lines of symmetry are square and regular pentagon.

2. It has no pairs of perpendicular sides.
Among the options, a square and a pentagon do not have pairs of perpendicular sides.

3. It has more than 3 congruent angles.
The only shape that has more than 3 congruent angles among the options is the regular pentagon.

4. Its total angle measure is between 180 degrees and 720 degrees.
The shape with the total angle measure between 180 degrees and 720 degrees is the regular pentagon.

Based on the given criteria, the shape that fulfills all the conditions is the regular pentagon. Thus, the answer is F. regular pentagon.

#4. Based on the given conditions:

1. The mystery shape has at least 2 congruent sides.
2. It has fewer than 2 obtuse angles.
3. It has more than 1 line of symmetry.
4. It has at least 1 acute angle.

Looking at the options:

A. Equilateral triangle: This shape satisfies conditions 1, 2, and 3, but it does not have any acute angles.
B. Trapezoid: This shape satisfies condition 1, but it may or may not satisfy conditions 2, 3, and 4, depending on the specific trapezoid.
C. Square: This shape satisfies conditions 1, 2, 3, and 4.
D. Isosceles right triangle: This shape satisfies conditions 1, 3, and 4, but it has exactly 1 obtuse angle.
E. Parallelogram: This shape satisfies condition 1, but it may or may not satisfy conditions 2, 3, and 4, depending on the specific parallelogram.
F. Scalene triangle: This shape satisfies conditions 1, 2, and 3, but it may or may not satisfy condition 4, depending on the specific scalene triangle.

Therefore, the correct options that satisfy all the given conditions are C. Square and F. Scalene triangle.

#5. Based on the given conditions:

1. The mystery shape has at least 2 lines of symmetry.
2. It has no pairs of perpendicular sides.
3. It has more than 3 congruent angles.
4. Its total angle measure is between 180 degrees and 720 degrees.

Looking at the options:

A. Regular hexagon: This shape satisfies condition 1, but it may or may not satisfy conditions 2, 3, and 4, depending on the specific regular hexagon.
B. Equilateral triangle: This shape satisfies conditions 1, 2, 3, and 4.
C. Square: This shape satisfies conditions 1, 2, 3, and 4.
D. Pentagon: This shape satisfies condition 1, but it may or may not satisfy conditions 2, 3, and 4, depending on the specific pentagon.
E. Rhombus: This shape satisfies conditions 1, 2, and 4, but it does not have more than 3 congruent angles.
F. Regular pentagon: This shape satisfies condition 1, but it may or may not satisfy conditions 2, 3, and 4, depending on the specific regular pentagon.

Therefore, the correct options that satisfy all the given conditions are B. Equilateral triangle and C. Square.