We need some help with these questions that we posted earlier. Please.

What is the meaning of a relative frequency of 1?

A rotation is described by it's ____ and ____?

Thank you very much.

Of course, I'd be happy to help you with these questions!

1. What is the meaning of a relative frequency of 1?
To understand the meaning of a relative frequency of 1, we first need to know what relative frequency is. Relative frequency is a measure that indicates how often an event occurs in relation to the total number of observations or trials. It is expressed as a fraction or a percentage.

When the relative frequency is 1, it means that the event in question occurs in every single observation or trial. In other words, the event is certain to happen every time. A relative frequency of 1 suggests a strong association or correlation between the event and the observations.

To find the relative frequency of an event, you need to divide the number of times the event occurs by the total number of observations or trials.

2. A rotation is described by its ____ and ____?
To describe a rotation, we need to identify two things: the center of rotation and the angle of rotation.

The center of rotation is the fixed point around which the object rotates. It remains unchanged throughout the rotation.

The angle of rotation indicates the amount of rotation that occurs. It is measured in degrees or radians and determines how much the object turns around the center of rotation.

By specifying both the center of rotation and the angle of rotation, we can fully describe a rotation.