the half life of tritium is 12.5 years. How much of a 1 g sample will remain after 25 years

To calculate how much of a 1 g sample of tritium will remain after 25 years, we need to use the concept of half-life.

The half-life of tritium is given as 12.5 years. This means that after every 12.5 years, the amount of tritium will be reduced by half. So, let's calculate how many half-lives have elapsed in 25 years.

Number of half-lives = elapsed time / half-life
Number of half-lives = 25 years / 12.5 years
Number of half-lives = 2

Since two half-lives have elapsed, the amount of tritium remaining will be reduced by half twice. Starting with the initial 1 g sample, we need to multiply it by (1/2) twice.

Amount remaining = 1 g * (1/2) * (1/2)
Amount remaining = 1 g * 1/4
Amount remaining = 0.25 g

Therefore, after 25 years, approximately 0.25 grams of the 1 g sample of tritium will remain.