Determine whether each binomial is the difference of two square. If so, factor it. If not, explain why.


-m^6 is not the difference of two squares. It is the negative of the square one term (m^3)

To determine whether a binomial is the difference of two squares, we need to check if it can be written in the form of \(a^2 - b^2\), where \(a\) and \(b\) are real numbers.

In the case of \(-m^6\), we can rewrite it as \((-m^3)^2\). Here, \(a = -m^3\) and \(b = 0\). Since we can express \(-m^6\) as the difference of two squares, we can factor it.

Therefore, \(-m^6\) can be factored as \((-m^3)^2\).