Is the old man in "A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings" a flat or a round character? I can't decide. He has some traits but I don't know if they justify a round character.

He is a round character

Determining whether the old man in "A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings" is a flat or a round character can depend on your interpretation of the story. However, based on the limited information provided, it seems that the old man is more of a flat character.

A flat character is typically one-dimensional and lacks significant development throughout the story. They are often used as a tool to advance the plot or represent a particular idea or concept. In the case of the old man, he seems to serve as a symbol or allegory, representing something beyond his individual traits. His main purpose is to challenge the beliefs and values of the villagers and provoke their reactions.

While the old man exhibits some traits, such as his enormous wings and ability to heal, the story does not delve deeply into his background, personality, or internal struggles. This lack of development suggests that he may be more of a flat character.

However, it's essential to note that interpretations may vary, and the old man's characterization can differ based on individual analysis. It could be helpful to examine additional textual evidence and themes in the story to support your conclusion.

Determining whether a character is flat or round involves assessing the depth and complexity of their traits, motivations, and development throughout the story. In the case of the old man in "A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings," while he may appear to have some traits, it can be argued that he falls more towards being a flat character.

To reach a conclusion regarding the old man's character type, let's delve into how you can assess a character's flatness or roundness:

1. Traits and Complexity: Consider the number and depth of traits the character possesses. Flat characters typically have just one or two defining traits and lack complexity, making them easily predictable. Round characters, on the other hand, are multi-dimensional and exhibit a range of traits that are more complex and contradictory.

In the story, the old man is portrayed as having wings, being old, and having a supernatural presence. However, these traits don't necessarily provide much complexity to his character. He remains enigmatic and detached throughout the narrative, leaving readers with limited insight into his personality, thoughts, or emotions.

2. Development and Growth: Assess whether the character undergoes significant changes, growth, or transformation throughout the story. Flat characters tend to remain static, while round characters often experience growth or a change in their outlook and behavior.

The old man in "A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings" doesn't undergo any visible development or change. His role mainly revolves around being a catalyst for others' reactions and a symbol within the narrative, rather than having a personal journey.

Considering these aspects, it can be argued that the old man is more of a flat character due to his limited depth and lack of significant development. However, interpretations can differ, and it's important to provide evidence and reasoning from the text to support your analysis.

The Old Man is a round character

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Hope it will help you :)