The diameter of each tire on Niki's bike is 66 centimeters (cm). It takes her 16 minutes to ride 10 kilometers (km).

How fast did Niki ride, in kilometers per hour?

thx in advance =D

Did you realize that the size of Niki's bike is irrelevant?

Since Rate = Distance/ time
Rate = 10/(16/60) km/h = 37.5 km/h

The diameter of each tire on Niki's bike is 66 centimeters (cm). It takes her 16 minutes to ride 10 kilometers (km).

How fast did Niki ride, in kilometers per hour?


To find the speed at which Niki rode, we can use the formula:

Speed = Distance / Time

Given that Niki rode a distance of 10 kilometers (km) in 16 minutes, we can convert the time to hours by dividing it by 60 (since there are 60 minutes in an hour):

Time (in hours) = 16 minutes / 60 minutes/hour = 0.2666667 hours

Now we have the distance (10 km) and the time (0.2666667 hours), we can substitute these into the formula to find the speed:

Speed = 10 km / 0.2666667 hours ≈ 37.5 km/h

Therefore, Niki rode at a speed of approximately 37.5 kilometers per hour.