Choose the plants from the following list that you would find in the lower shore area of the rocky shore.

irish moss

Choose the plants from the following list that you would find in the lower shore area of the rocky shore.

To determine which plants you would find in the lower shore area of the rocky shore, you need to understand the ecological preferences of each plant species listed.

1. Kelp:
Kelp is a type of large brown seaweed that thrives in cooler, nutrient-rich waters. It attaches itself to the rocky substrate and can grow in depths between the low tide mark and down to around 30 meters. Therefore, kelp can be found in the lower shore area of the rocky shore.

2. Lichens:
Lichens are actually not plants but rather a symbiotic relationship between fungi and algae or cyanobacteria. They can grow on rocky surfaces, including the rocky shore, and can be found in various ecological zones, including the lower shore area.

3. Irish moss:
Irish moss, also known as carrageenan moss, is a type of red seaweed. It typically prefers intertidal zones, including the lower shore area. Irish moss can attach itself to rocky substrates and is often found growing alongside other seaweeds.

4. Rockweed:
Rockweed is a general term for various species of brown seaweed that attach to rocky substrates in the intertidal zone. Like kelp, rockweed can be found in the lower shore area, where it benefits from exposure to both air and water during the tidal cycle.

Therefore, out of the plants listed, you would find kelp, lichens, Irish moss, and rockweed in the lower shore area of the rocky shore.