In each of the following order the decimals from least to greatest.

a. 24.9419, 24,.942, 24.94189, 24.94199

Look at the third and fourth digits after the decimal. I'll be glad to check your answer.

24.94189, 24.94199, 24.9419, 24.942

24.94199, 24.9419, 24.94189, 24.9419, 24.942

To order the decimals from least to greatest, we need to compare each number and determine which one is smaller or larger than the others.

a. 24.9419, 24.942, 24.94189, 24.94199

To compare the decimals, start by looking at the whole number part, which is 24 in this case. All the numbers have the same whole number part, so we move on to the decimal part.

Now, consider the thousandths place. We have 9419, 942, 94189, and 94199. The larger the number in the thousandths place, the greater the value of the decimal. In this case, 942 is greater than 9419.

Now, let's compare 942 with 94189. Since the whole number part is the same, we move on to the thousandths place. 942 is still smaller than 94189.

Finally, let's compare 942 with 94199. Again, the whole number part is the same, so we compare the thousandths place. In this case, 942 is smaller than 94199.

Therefore, the correct order from least to greatest is:
24.9419, 24.94189, 24.942, 24.94199