Hi I need help creating an SQL query to display each faculty member's last name, comma, first name as a CONCATenated element, then their salary as CONCATenated element with a dollar sign and comma. Then, the boss's last name, comma, first name as a CONCATenated element, then the boss's salary as CONCATenated element with a dollar sign and comma. Finally I need to use and INNER JOIN to gather the data. Restrict the rows where the faculty member's salary is greater than their boss's salary. Order the output by the faculty member's salary in descending order.

To create an SQL query that fulfills your requirements, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Understand the table structure
- Identify the table(s) containing the necessary data. Let's assume you have two tables named "faculty" and "boss" with the following columns:

Table: faculty
- faculty_id
- first_name
- last_name
- salary
- boss_id

Table: boss
- boss_id
- first_name
- last_name
- salary

Step 2: Write the SQL query
Now, let's create the SQL query based on your requirements:

SELECT CONCAT(f.last_name, ', ', f.first_name) AS faculty_name,
CONCAT(f.salary, '$,') AS faculty_salary,
CONCAT(b.last_name, ', ', b.first_name) AS boss_name,
CONCAT(b.salary, '$,') AS boss_salary
FROM faculty f
INNER JOIN boss b ON f.boss_id = b.boss_id
WHERE f.salary > b.salary
ORDER BY f.salary DESC;

Step 3: Explanation of the query

- The SELECT clause is used to define the columns you want to retrieve in the result set. Here, we use the CONCAT function to concatenate the first name, last name, and salary columns with appropriate formatting.

- The FROM clause specifies the table(s) from which you want to retrieve the data. Here, we use the "faculty" table and JOIN it with the "boss" table using the INNER JOIN keyword. We join the tables based on the boss_id column in both tables.

- The WHERE clause is used to apply the condition that the faculty member's salary should be greater than the boss's salary.

- The ORDER BY clause is used to sort the output based on the faculty member's salary in descending order.

Please note that you may need to adjust the table and column names in the query according to your actual database schema.