Thank you. I just want to know if "She was anxiuous for me" is grammatically correct.

spelling error = anxious


It's grammatically correct, but a better word is "concerned."

To determine if the sentence "She was anxiuous for me" is grammatically correct, we can break it down and analyze it step by step:

1. Subject: "She" - This is a pronoun referring to a female person.
2. Verb: "was" - This is the past tense form of the verb "to be," which indicates a state of being or existence.
3. Adjective: "anxiuous" - This appears to be a typographical error, as the correct spelling is "anxious," which means feeling worried or uneasy.
4. Preposition: "for" - This is a preposition that indicates a relationship between the subject and the object of the sentence.
5. Object: "me" - This is a pronoun referring to oneself as the recipient or target of the action.

Putting it all together, the corrected sentence would be: "She was anxious for me."

This sentence is grammatically correct because it follows the standard subject-verb-object sentence structure, and the words used are properly spelled and used in their correct grammatical forms.