After a completely inelastic collision between two objects of equal mass, each having initial speed v, the two move off together with speed v/6. What was the angle between their initial directions?

if this is the equation

what numbers would replace m and v?

Divide each side by mv, and behold, they go away....

To determine the numbers that replace 'm' and 'v' in the equation, we need to gather all the available information from the question.

From the given information:
- Both objects have equal mass: m
- The initial speed of each object is v
- After the collision, the combined objects move off together with a speed of v/6

Using this information, we can substitute the values into the equation to solve for the angle between their initial directions.

The equation is:
2mvcos(theta) = 2mv/6

By canceling out '2m' and 'v' from both sides to simplify the equation, we get:
cos(theta) = 1/6

Now to find the angle theta, we can take the inverse cosine (or arccos) of both sides of the equation:
theta = arccos(1/6)

However, since the value of 'm' or 'v' is not given specifically in the question, we cannot determine their numerical values. Consequently, we can only express the angle theta in terms of the given information.