how would you solve this problem


To solve the equation cos(theta)/2 = 1/6, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Multiply both sides of the equation by 2 to eliminate the fraction:
(cos(theta)/2) * 2 = (1/6) * 2

Simplifying, we get:
cos(theta) = 1/3

Step 2: Use the inverse cosine function (also known as arccos or cos^(-1)) to find the value of theta.
theta = cos^(-1)(1/3)

This equation means we need to find the angle whose cosine is equal to 1/3. To do this, you can use a scientific calculator or math software that has the inverse cosine function.

If you use a scientific calculator:
Enter 1/3, and then press the "cos^(-1)" or "arccos" button. This will give you the value of theta in radians.

If you use math software or online tools:
Simply input "arccos(1/3)" or "cos^(-1)(1/3)" into the software or tool, and it will give you the value of theta in radians.

Note: It is important to check the range of the inverse cosine function in your specific case. In most cases, the range is limited to [0, π] or [0°, 180°].