my 9 year old daughter is learning about the caribbean on what i don't know please could any one help with any info on the caribbean or latin america

wikipedia should have some information.
West Indies - Bahamas.
Bermuda Triangle?

Last but not least perhaps your daughter saw the movie pirates of the Caribbean? Hence the search for Caribbean?

In addition to Wikipedia, you could also check this online encyclopedia.

Of course, I'd be happy to help provide information on the Caribbean and Latin America!

To begin, the Caribbean refers to a region of the Americas that consists of the Caribbean Sea and its surrounding islands. It is located southeast of the Gulf of Mexico and the North American mainland. The Caribbean islands are divided into three main groups: the Greater Antilles, the Lesser Antilles, and the Bahamas.

Latin America, on the other hand, refers to a region in the Americas that includes countries in Central and South America, as well as the Caribbean. It is home to diverse cultures, languages, and ecosystems.

To find more information for your daughter's learning, here are some steps you can take:

1. Encourage her to start with a general search on search engines like Google or Bing. She can use keywords like "Caribbean" or "Latin America" to find websites, articles, and blogs that provide information suitable for her age.

2. Wikipedia is a great resource for general information. Your daughter can search for "Caribbean" or "Latin America" on Wikipedia and explore the articles provided. It's important to guide her on how to verify the information, as Wikipedia allows anyone to edit its articles.

3. For a more interactive experience, you can visit websites like National Geographic Kids or Kids World Travel Guide. These websites provide age-appropriate information and activities for children.

4. If she is interested in specific topics within the Caribbean or Latin America, encourage her to search for those keywords along with the name of the country or topic. For example, searching for "Mayan civilization in Latin America" or "Jamaica in the Caribbean" could yield more specific and detailed information.

Additionally, if she is interested in historical events, movies like "Pirates of the Caribbean" or books about famous explorers like Christopher Columbus might spark her curiosity about the region.

Remember, it's important to supervise your daughter's online activities and ensure she is using safe and trustworthy sources of information.