In conclusion, I believe the University of Maryland offers a wonderful opportunity for me for me to experience a mix of quality education and a richly diverse environment. At the University of Maryland, I expect to be involved in a wide variety of clubs and organizations on campus. Through my involvement in campus activity, I can add my own individuality on different matters in order to expand and improve the community.

- Hey, I'm trying to write the conclusion for my college essay (look at "Essay#4" below for the entire essay.
- I feel like i need a real GREAT conclusion to backup this essay.
- Which parts should I mention, and what can I say that will make the essay readers "wow'd"?
- P.S. Sorry for reposting so many times, I just really want to get into this school (its my first choice), and my GPA/SAT is only average.
- P.P.S. I'm going to need to shave 20 words off of the essay to meet the 500 words or less requirement, so that's the next thing i'm going to be posting about.

A "great"college admittance essay tells

1) What you can do for the college, ie, how you fit in
2) and what college can do for you. The college is in the business of education, so social activities are not high on the agenda, at least in first rate colleges. Sports are a notable exception at most schools.

I think I would focus on what I could do for the University, maybe by changing the second and third sentence to
" While at the University of Maryland, I expect to be actively involved in campus activities, with the goal of serving others in order to be prepared to later improve the world."

The first sentence needs to be stronger on the educational aspect. Perhaps

The University of Maryland offers me the opportunity to achieve a first rate disciplined mind, with sensitivity to other people's culture and thinking."

Good luck.

Writing a strong conclusion for your college essay requires you to summarize your main points and leave a lasting impression on the readers. Here's how you can do it:

1. Summarize your main points: Briefly recap the main arguments or ideas you presented throughout your essay. This reminds the readers of what you have discussed while showing them that you have provided a well-rounded perspective.

2. Highlight your fit with the University of Maryland: Emphasize why the University of Maryland is a perfect fit for you. You can highlight specific programs, resources, or opportunities that align with your interests and goals. Make sure to mention the wonderful opportunity for a mix of quality education, a diverse environment, and involvement in clubs and organizations.

3. Connect your individuality to community improvement: Discuss how your involvement in campus activities and organizations will allow you to contribute your unique perspective and skills to make a positive impact on the community. This shows that you are not only interested in your own personal development but also in contributing to the university's overall growth.

4. Leave a memorable impression: Consider ending your conclusion with a thought-provoking statement or a powerful quote that resonates with your theme. This helps leave a lasting impression on the readers and adds a touch of creativity to your conclusion.

Here is an example that incorporates these elements and stays within 500 words:

"In conclusion, the University of Maryland offers me a remarkable platform to pursue a quality education while embracing a richly diverse environment. Throughout this essay, I have highlighted the numerous opportunities that await me at the university, from engaging in various clubs and organizations to adding my own individuality to community matters. These experiences will not only shape me as an individual but also contribute to the overall growth and improvement of the university.

As I reflected upon my aspirations and explored what the University of Maryland has to offer, I became captivated by the vibrant academic programs and resources available. The chance to immerse myself in a mix of rigorous coursework, cutting-edge research, and innovative opportunities fills me with the excitement of endless possibilities. Whether it be attending lectures by esteemed professors or collaborating with like-minded peers, I am eager to embrace the challenging academic environment that will stimulate my personal and intellectual growth.

Moreover, the university's commitment to diversity and inclusion deeply resonates with my values. The opportunity to learn alongside individuals from different backgrounds, cultures, and perspectives will allow me to broaden my horizons, challenge my preconceived notions, and foster an environment of mutual respect and understanding. I am excited to actively contribute to this inclusive community where our differences serve as catalysts for personal and communal growth.

Through my passion for community engagement and my drive to make a positive impact, I am confident that I will be an asset to the University of Maryland. By actively participating in clubs and organizations, I aim to add my own unique voice to discussions and initiatives, fostering an environment of collaboration and innovation. Each step I take towards personal growth will be an opportunity to improve the community as a whole.

In the words of John F. Kennedy, 'Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try.' For me, the decision to choose the University of Maryland as my academic home is not just a decision—it is a commitment to unlocking my potential, embracing diversity, and working towards a brighter future. I am ready to embark on this transformative journey and contribute my voice, skills, and passion to the University of Maryland community."

Remember, a great conclusion summarizes your main points, highlights your fit with the university, connects your individuality to community improvement, and leaves a lasting impression on the readers. Good luck with your college application!