Design a program that asks the user to enter a nonegative integer and then display the factorial of that number- it can be a flowchart or pseucode

Sure! Here's a simple pseudocode for designing a program that calculates the factorial of a non-negative integer:

1. Start the program.

2. Display a message, asking the user to enter a non-negative integer.

3. Read and store the user's input in a variable, let's call it "num".

4. Initialize a variable, let's call it "factorial", with a value of 1.

5. If "num" is less than 0, display an error message and go back to step 2.

6. If "num" is equal to 0, go to step 10.

7. If "num" is greater than 0, do the following:
- Create a loop that starts from 1 and ends at "num".
- Multiply "factorial" by the current value of the loop index.
- Continue the loop until reaching "num".

8. Display the final value of "factorial", which is the factorial of the entered number.

9. End the program.

10. Display a message indicating that the factorial of 0 is 1.

11. End the program.

This pseudocode outlines the basic logic of the program. Implementing it in a specific programming language would require syntax and language-specific details.

Sure! Here's a solution using pseudocode:

1. Start the program.
2. Prompt the user to enter a non-negative integer and store the value in a variable called "num".
3. Create a variable called "factorial" and set it to 1.
4. Create a loop that runs from 1 to "num" (inclusive).
a. Within the loop, multiply "factorial" by the loop variable (let's call it "i").
5. Print the value of "factorial".
6. End the program.

And here's a flowchart representation of the solution:

┌───────────┐ ┌───────────┐
│ Start │ │ │
└──────┬────┘ └────┬──────┘
│ │
▼ │
┌───────────┐ │
│ Prompt │ │
│ user │ │
│ for num │ │
└──────┬────┘ │
│ │
▼ │
┌───────────┐ │
│ Set │ │
│ factorial │ │
│ to 1 │ │
└──────┬────┘ │
│ │
▼ │
┌───────────┐ │
│ Loop │ │
│ from 1 to │ │
│ num │ │
│ ┌┼──────────┐ │
│ ││ Multiply │ │
│ ││ factorial│ │
│ ││ by loop │ │
│ ││ variable│ │
│ │└─────┬────┘ │
│ │ └──────┘
│ │

│ Print │
│ factorial│

│ End │

I hope this helps you design your program!