You’re as IS professional, and your boss has asked you to prepare a briefing for

senior staff on the comparative advantages and disadvantages of three competing
tape drive technologies: Digital Linear Tape (DLT), Advanced Intelligent
Tape (AIT), and Linear Tape Open (LTO). Search the technology Web sites in
Table 1.1 for source material to help you prepare the briefing. Which sites provide
the most useful information? Which sites enable you to find useful information

You'll have to look at table 1.1 to start. Then look at those web sites and answer the questions.

It sounds like your teacher forgot to give you the book where table 1.1 is located? Or he forgot to copy it. Ask for it then go from there.

To determine which technology websites provide the most useful information for your briefing on tape drive technologies, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by referring to "Table 1.1" mentioned in your question to identify the technology websites listed there. Take note of the websites associated with each tape drive technology: Digital Linear Tape (DLT), Advanced Intelligent Tape (AIT), and Linear Tape Open (LTO).

2. Once you have the website names associated with each technology, visit these websites one by one to explore their content.

3. Evaluate the quality and relevance of the information provided on each website. Look for technical specifications, product comparisons, whitepapers, case studies, user forums, and any other resources that can help you gather the necessary data for your briefing.

4. Consider the ease of finding the information you need on each website. Pay attention to the website's navigability, search functionality, and organization of content. Websites that have a user-friendly interface and clear organization will make it easier for you to locate relevant information quickly.

5. Take note of the websites that provide comprehensive and detailed information on tape drive technologies. Look for sites that offer insights into the advantages and disadvantages of each technology, including technical specifications, compatibility, performance benchmarks, and potential use cases.

6. Evaluate the credibility and expertise of the websites you visit. Look for sites backed by reputable manufacturers, industry-leading organizations, or experts in the field. Such sources are more likely to provide reliable and accurate information.

Based on your evaluation, determine which technology websites provide the most useful information and enable you to find it easily. Keep in mind that the usefulness and ease of access may vary depending on your specific requirements and the content available on each website.