wats da moon phases for the past 10 days

To determine the moon phases for the past 10 days, you can use an online moon phase calendar or refer to a mobile app that provides this information. Here's how you can find the moon phases using an online moon phase calendar:

1. Open a web browser on your computer or mobile device.
2. Search for "moon phase calendar" in your preferred search engine.
3. Click on a reliable and accurate moon phase calendar website from the search results.
4. Select the current month or the specific date range you want to examine, in this case, the past 10 days.
5. The moon phase calendar will display a visual representation of the moon phases for the specified period. It will typically show icons or images representing each phase.
6. Identify the dates within the past 10 days and the corresponding moon phases, such as Full Moon, New Moon, First Quarter, Last Quarter, Waxing Crescent, Waxing Gibbous, Waning Crescent, or Waning Gibbous.

By following these steps, you will be able to find the moon phases for the last 10 days using an online moon phase calendar.