What are some suggestion regarding should the driving age be raised to 18?

bad judgment

texting and phoning while driving

accident rate for people under age 25

insurance costs for people under age 30

What can you think of?

To gather suggestions regarding whether the driving age should be raised to 18, you can follow these steps:

1. Conduct online research: Start by searching for articles, studies, and opinions on raising the driving age to 18. Look for sources that provide well-reasoned arguments and evidence to support their points.

2. Review arguments in favor of raising the driving age: Examine the reasons given by proponents of raising the driving age. Some common arguments might include improved road safety, reduced accident rates among younger drivers, better driver maturity and judgment, and alignment with the legal drinking age (which is also 18 in many countries).

3. Consider arguments against raising the driving age: Seek out counterarguments from those who oppose raising the driving age. These arguments may include concerns about restricting individual freedom, limiting opportunities for young adults, burdening public transportation systems, or lack of evidence that raising the driving age would significantly improve safety.

4. Look for case studies and research: Investigate any case studies or research that have been conducted on the impact of raising the driving age to 18. Analyze the data and findings from these studies to better understand the potential effects on road safety and other relevant factors.

5. Seek expert opinions: Find experts in the fields of transportation, psychology, law enforcement, and road safety to obtain their insights on the topic. Look for interviews, articles, or research papers where these experts share their thoughts and recommendations.

6. Consider international comparisons: Look at other countries that have set the driving age at 18 and evaluate their experiences. Compare their road safety statistics and any relevant data to gain further insights.

After completing these steps, compile and analyze the suggestions and arguments you've gathered. This will help you form a well-rounded understanding of the topic, enabling you to make an informed decision or recommendation on whether the driving age should be raised to 18.