Sodium nitrate

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NaNO3 is the formula. It is an ionic compound.

Sodium nitrate is a chemical compound with the formula NaNO3. It is a white, crystalline solid and is commonly used in fertilizers, food preservatives, and pyrotechnics.

If you are looking for information about sodium nitrate, you can find it in multiple ways:

1. Online search: You can search for "sodium nitrate" on a search engine like Google to find a wide range of information about its properties, uses, and hazards. Make sure to validate the sources you use to ensure accuracy.

2. Chemical databases: Websites like PubChem or ChemicalBook provide detailed information about chemical compounds, including sodium nitrate. These databases offer information about the compound's physical and chemical properties, safety data, and references to scientific literature.

3. Scientific literature: If you need more in-depth information or specific research on sodium nitrate, scientific journals can be a valuable resource. Platforms like PubMed or Google Scholar allow you to search for research articles, reviews, or studies related to sodium nitrate.

Keep in mind that researching chemical compounds involves understanding scientific terminology and assessing the credibility of the sources you use. Always prioritize reputable and peer-reviewed sources for accurate and reliable information.