The results of the 1912 election prove that Americans were ready for change and reform across the board. Each candidate offered their own view on how changes should be implemented and which issues needed change, ultimately the voters showed they wanted an end to political corruption and to lessen the social division between classes.

Where do you think we’d be if the results of the 1912 election would have gone differently?

P.S. Be sure to also check the "Related Questions" below.


If the results of the 1912 election had gone differently, it would have significantly altered the course of American history. Let's consider some possible scenarios and their implications:

1. If the incumbent President William Howard Taft had been re-elected, it is likely that his more conservative policies and emphasis on maintaining the status quo would have continued. This could have slowed down or even prevented some of the progressive reforms that were enacted in the subsequent years.

2. If the Democratic Party candidate, Woodrow Wilson, had not won the election against both Taft and the Progressive Party candidate, Theodore Roosevelt, the momentum for progressive change may have been significantly diminished. Wilson was a champion of progressive ideals and introduced significant reforms during his presidency, including the creation of the Federal Reserve and the passage of the Clayton Antitrust Act.

3. If Theodore Roosevelt had won the election under the banner of the Progressive Party (also known as the Bull Moose Party), it is likely that his progressive policies would have been pursued more aggressively. Roosevelt had a robust reform agenda, including breaking up monopolies, regulating big businesses, and expanding social welfare programs. His election would have brought about significant changes in the role of government and the balance of power between corporations and citizens.

In summary, the outcome of the 1912 election had a profound impact on shaping American society and politics. Different results could have led to various scenarios, altering the pace and extent of progressive reforms and possibly affecting the trajectory of American history.