oxidation- reduction reactions

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Oxidation-reduction reactions, also known as redox reactions, are chemical reactions in which there is a transfer of electrons between the reactants. These reactions involve the process of oxidation and reduction.

To understand oxidation-reduction reactions, it is essential to know about oxidation and reduction individually.

1. Oxidation: Oxidation occurs when a substance loses electrons, resulting in an increase in its oxidation state. In other words, it involves the addition of oxygen, loss of hydrogen, or loss of electrons.

2. Reduction: Reduction occurs when a substance gains electrons, resulting in a decrease in its oxidation state. In other words, it involves the addition of hydrogen, loss of oxygen, or gain of electrons.

Now, coming back to redox reactions, they involve both oxidation and reduction happening simultaneously. One substance undergoes oxidation, while another undergoes reduction. The substance that gets oxidized is called the reducing agent, as it causes the reduction of another substance. The substance that gets reduced is called the oxidizing agent, as it causes the oxidation of another substance.

Determining the oxidation state and identifying the oxidizing and reducing agents in a redox reaction can be done by following these steps:

1. Assign oxidation states: Assign oxidation states to all elements in the reaction, considering the electronegativity and electronegativity rules. The oxidation state is a number that indicates the charge an atom would have if electrons were transferred completely during the formation of a compound.

2. Identify the oxidized and reduced species: Compare the oxidation states assigned to each element before and after the reaction. The species whose oxidation state increases is oxidized, and the species whose oxidation state decreases is reduced.

3. Determine the oxidizing and reducing agents: The substance that causes oxidation is the reducing agent, and the substance that causes reduction is the oxidizing agent.

By understanding these concepts and following the steps mentioned above, you can analyze and identify oxidation-reduction reactions.

If you want to further explore redox reactions, you can refer to the website you provided (http://members.aol.com/profchm/redox.html) for more detailed information and examples.