An airport runway intersections shows 2 parallel runways. A taxiway crosses both runways. If angle 8 measures 119, what is the sum of the measures of angle 1 and 4?

a 122
b 238
c 119
d 299

I think the answer is b. Angles 1, 4, 5, and 8 are either alternate or corresponding, so angles 1 and 4 must be the same as angle 8. I add 119 and 119 and that's how I got b. Is this right?

Since angles 1, 4, 5, and 8 are either alternate or corresponding, do they all have the same measure?

Or, for example, are 1 and 4 congruent and 5 and 8 are also congruent?

The problem is I can't really picture this scenario from the information you've provided.

it has angles 1 through 8 and has two parallel lines labeled from 1 through 8.

not right

you're dumb

Yes, your approach to solving the problem is correct. Since angles 1, 4, 5, and 8 are either alternate angles or corresponding angles, we know that angles 1 and 4 must be congruent to angle 8, which measures 119 degrees. Therefore, the sum of the measures of angles 1 and 4 is 119 + 119 = 238 degrees. Hence, your answer is b.