My first page is

<title>Name Game</title>
<h1>Name Game</h1>

<form action="">
Enter your name: <input type="text" name="name" />
<input type="submit" value="Go" />


My second .py page is
import cgi
form = cgi.FieldStorage()
name = form["name"].value

print """Content-type: text/html

<title>Name Game</title>
# print HTML body using form data
print "<h1>Name Game</h1>"
print "<dl>"
print "<dt>form["name"].value</dt>"
print "<dd> name </dd>"
print "<dt>Uppercase</dt>"
print "<dd>upper(form["name"].value)</dd>"
print "<dt>No spaces</dt>"
print "<dd></dd>"
print "<dt>No vowels</dt>"
print "<dd></dd>"
print "</dl>"
print "</body></html>"

I want to ask how come form["name"].value is invalid when it is loading the second page?? I just want to show form["name"].value to be the word that the person entered at the first page?? thank you very much

The issue in your code is that you are trying to access the value of the "name" parameter from the form using `form["name"].value` in the line `name = form["name"].value`. However, this will throw an error because the "name" parameter has not been submitted in the form data yet.

To fix this issue and display the value entered by the user on the first page, you need to modify your code as follows:

1. In the second .py page, import the `cgi` module and retrieve the form data using `cgi.FieldStorage()`.

import cgi
form = cgi.FieldStorage()

2. To display the entered name on the second page, replace `form["name"].value` with the variable `name` that you've created previously.

print "<h1>Name Game</h1>"
print "<dl>"
print "<dt>Entered Name</dt>"
print "<dd>", name, "</dd>"

By making these changes, the second page will correctly display the name entered by the user on the first page.

In order to understand why `form["name"].value` is invalid when loading the second page, let's break down the code and explain how the data is being processed.

In the first page, you have an HTML form with a text input field named "name" and a submit button. When the form is submitted by clicking the "Go" button, it sends a request to the action URL "" with the form data.

In the second page (, you are using the `cgi` module to process the form data. The `cgi.FieldStorage()` function is used to retrieve the form data from the request. Then, you are trying to access the value of the "name" field using `form["name"].value`.

Now, the problem lies in the fact that `form["name"].value` is written inside double-quotes. The double-quotes signify a string literal in Python, so the value inside them is treated as a string and not as a variable. As a result, it is trying to access the literal string "name" in the `form` object, which doesn't exist, hence the error.

To fix this issue and display the value that the user entered in the first page, you need to remove the double-quotes around `form["name"].value` in the second page code. Here is the corrected code snippet:

import cgi
form = cgi.FieldStorage()
name = form["name"].value

print """Content-type: text/html

<title>Name Game</title>
# print HTML body using form data
print "<h1>Name Game</h1>"
print "<dl>"
print "<dt>form['name'].value</dt>" # removed double-quotes around form['name'].value
print "<dd>" + name + "</dd>" # output the value of 'name' variable
print "<dt>Uppercase</dt>"
print "<dd>" + name.upper() + "</dd>" # apply .upper() method to 'name' variable
print "<dt>No spaces</dt>"
print "<dd>" + name.replace(" ", "") + "</dd>" # remove spaces using .replace() method
print "<dt>No vowels</dt>"
print "<dd>" + "".join(char for char in name if char.lower() not in "aeiou") + "</dd>" # remove vowels using list comprehension
print "</dl>"
print "</body></html>"

Now, when the second page is loaded, it will correctly display the value entered by the user in the first page's form. The `name` variable holds the value of the "name" field, and it is used in the appropriate places to display the information you want.