what does x equal if x/4-3x/2=-1/2


x/4-3x/2=(x/4)-(6x/4)= -5x/4

-5x/4= -1/2 Multiply with 4

-5x= -(1/2)*4

-5x= -2 Divide with -5




simplest way:

x/4 - 3x/2 = -1/2
multiply each term by 4
x - 6x = -2
-5x = -2
x = 2/5

To find the value of x in the equation (x/4) - (3x/2) = -1/2, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Simplify the equation by finding a common denominator for x/4 and 3x/2. The common denominator is 4, so we rewrite the equation as: (2x/8) - (12x/8) = -1/2.

Step 2: Combine the terms on the left side of the equation by subtracting (12x/8) from (2x/8), which gives us: (-10x/8) = -1/2.

Step 3: Multiply both sides of the equation by 8 to eliminate the denominator on the left side: 8 * (-10x/8) = 8 * (-1/2), which simplifies to: -10x = -4.

Step 4: Divide both sides of the equation by -10 to solve for x: -10x / -10 = -4 / -10. This simplifies to: x = 2/5.

Therefore, x equals 2/5.