What is the size of the margin (inside the business card) to prevent text and graphics from being cut off during trimming

On a business card? Probably about 1/4th inch.

To determine the size of the margin necessary to prevent text and graphics from being cut off during trimming of a business card, you need to consider the bleed and safe margin.

1. Bleed: Bleed refers to the area beyond the final trim size where images or background colors extend. It ensures that there are no white borders or gaps due to slight variations in trimming. Typically, a bleed of 0.125 inches (3.175 mm) is recommended.

2. Safe Margin: The safe margin is the space within the trim size where critical elements like text and important graphics should be placed to avoid being trimmed off. It acts as a buffer zone. The safe margin varies depending on the printing company, but a common standard is 0.125 inches (3.175 mm) from all edges.

To calculate the margin inside the business card, you subtract the bleed from the safe margin. Here's an example calculation:

Safe Margin: 0.125 inches
Bleed: 0.125 inches

Margin = Safe Margin - Bleed
Margin = 0.125 inches - 0.125 inches
Margin = 0 inches (no margin inside the business card design)

Therefore, in this example, there would be no specific margin inside the business card design since the safe margin and the bleed are the same.

However, it's important to note that different printing companies have varying requirements for the bleed and safe margin. Therefore, it is advisable to consult the specific guidelines provided by your chosen printing service to ensure precise measurements and prevent any critical content from being trimmed off.