Imagine you are a working mother of 3 children who has experienced inequity in the workplace regarding pay and conditions. Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper supporting the article.

Select 10 words from the spelling list:
maternity, crippling, nexus, inhibit, aggrieved, forfeit, conciliation, arbitration, commision, sector, industry, legislation, entrench, innate and predominant.

Please proofread and help repharse some parts thanks!

My name is Carole Wilson and I am in favour in suppose to the article "Sex discrimination is alive and well in a wokrplace near you" The Age 8/3/2004 Page 13 by Diane Sisley.

I'm a working mother of three who works in the private sector of the nursing industry.

Throughout my wokring life, I've had to forfeit to the innate fact of life that 'unequal pay will occur throughout all sectors and industires and women will have to suffer the crippling effects.'

Just recently I have been trying to conciliate and arbitrate with my employer for a higher commision. The result? Continuing back to my work and accepting the fact of life.

Gender inequity not only inhibits women to expand and develop confidence and skills, but also restrains men to become better parents.

All in all I'm certainly aggrieved and dissapointed by the fact that some people take little or no consideration of this nexus: gender inequality in the wokrplace.

First of all, please go to one or more of these websites and make absolutely sure you are using each of your given words correctly. You have used most of them incorrectly in what you've written.

Dear Editor,

I am writing in support of the article "Sex discrimination is alive and well in a workplace near you" by Diane Sisley, which was published in The Age on 8/3/2004, page 13. As a working mother of three children who works in the private sector of the nursing industry, I have personally experienced the inequities and challenges faced by women in the workforce.

Throughout my working life, I have unfortunately had to accept the innate reality that unequal pay is prevalent across all sectors and industries, and that women are often subjected to its crippling effects. It is disheartening to recognize that this issue persists, despite advancements in society.

Just recently, I attempted to engage in conciliation and arbitration with my employer to negotiate a higher commission. However, the outcome of this process only reinforced the notion that I must continue to endure these inequities and accept them as a fact of life.

Gender inequity not only inhibits women from expanding and developing their confidence and skills, but it also holds back men from becoming more involved and supportive parents. It is a problem that affects everyone, and its impact extends beyond mere financial concerns.

As a working mother, I am deeply aggrieved and disappointed by the lack of consideration given to this pressing issue. It is essential to recognize the intricate nexus between gender inequality and the workplace, as it not only affects the lives of individuals, but also hinders progress towards a more inclusive and fair society.

Thank you for shedding light on this important topic and providing a platform for discussion.

Carole Wilson