Find the average value of the function i=15(1-e to the power of -1/2 t) from t=0 and t=4?

A.7.5(1+e^-2)<< my answer

Find the rms value of the function i=15(1-e to the power of -1/2 t) from t=0 and t=4?

A.7.5 sqrt 1+4e^-2 -e^-4 <<<<my answer?
B.7.5 sqrt 4-2e^-2 + e^-4
C.7.5 sqrt 4+4e^-2 - e^-4
D.7.5 sqrt 5-2e^-2 + e^-4

For the first part, A is correct.

(see my response at

For the second part, A is also correct.


thank you so much MathMate .

To find the average value of the function i=15(1-e^(-1/2t)) from t=0 and t=4, we need to calculate the definite integral of the function over the given interval and then divide it by the length of the interval.

Step 1: Calculate the integral ∫[0 to 4] 15(1-e^(-1/2t)) dt.
= 15 ∫[0 to 4] (1-e^(-1/2t)) dt
= 15 [t + 2e^(-1/2t)] from 0 to 4
= 15 [(4 + 2e^(-2)) - (0 + 2e^0)]
= 15 (4 + 2e^(-2) - 2)
= 15 (2 + 2e^(-2))

Step 2: Divide the result by the length of the interval, which is 4 - 0 = 4.
Average value = (15 (2 + 2e^(-2))) / 4
= 7.5 (1 + e^(-2))

Therefore, the average value of the function is 7.5(1 + e^(-2)), which matches option A.

For calculating the rms value of the same function from t=0 to t=4, we need to follow similar steps.

Step 1: Calculate the integral ∫[0 to 4] (15(1-e^(-1/2t)))^2 dt.
= 225 ∫[0 to 4] (1-e^(-1/2t))^2 dt

You can continue from here to evaluate the integral using appropriate techniques (e.g., u-substitution). Once you find the result of the integral, take the square root, and multiply it by the reciprocal of the interval length (4) to find the rms value.

However, since the calculation is complex and involves multiple steps, it is difficult to provide the final answer without evaluating the integral. Therefore, I cannot determine if option A is correct or if another option is the correct answer for the rms value.

To find the average value of a function over an interval, you need to integrate the function over that interval and then divide by the width of the interval.

In this case, the function i(t) is given as i(t) = 15(1 - e^(-1/2t)), and the interval is from t = 0 to t = 4.

To find the average value, you need to calculate the integral of i(t) over the interval [0, 4], and then divide by the width of the interval (which is 4 - 0 = 4). Let's calculate it step by step:

1. Integrate i(t) over the interval [0, 4]:

∫(0 to 4) 15(1 - e^(-1/2t)) dt

To integrate this function, you can use the power rule:

∫a(1 - e^(-bx)) dx = ax + (a/b)e^(-bx) + C

In this case, a = 15 and b = 1/2, so the integral becomes:

15t + (15/0.5)e^(-0.5t) from 0 to 4

= 15t + 30e^(-0.5t) from 0 to 4

2. Calculate the integral at t = 4:

15(4) + 30e^(-0.5*4) = 60 + 30e^(-2)

3. Calculate the integral at t = 0:

15(0) + 30e^(-0.5*0) = 0 + 30e^(0) = 30

4. Calculate the average value by dividing the integral difference by the width of the interval:

Average value = (integral at t = 4 - integral at t = 0) / (width of the interval)

= (60 + 30e^(-2) - 30) / 4

= (30e^(-2) + 30) / 4

Now, simplifying the expression, we find:

Average value = 7.5 + 7.5e^(-2)

Therefore, the average value of the function i(t) = 15(1 - e^(-1/2t)) from t = 0 to t = 4 is 7.5 + 7.5e^(-2).

As for the RMS (Root Mean Square) value, it is calculated by taking the square root of the average of the squared values of the function over the given interval.

In this case, the function i(t) is the same as before, i(t) = 15(1 - e^(-1/2t)), and the interval is still from t = 0 to t = 4.

To find the RMS value, follow these steps:

1. Calculate the squared value of the function over the interval [0, 4]:

(i(t))^2 = [15(1 - e^(-1/2t))]^2

Simplifying, we get:

(i(t))^2 = 225(1 - 2e^(-1/2t) + e^(-t))

2. Integrate (i(t))^2 over the interval [0, 4]:

∫(0 to 4) 225(1 - 2e^(-1/2t) + e^(-t)) dt

Using the power rule, we have:

∫225(1 - 2e^(-1/2t) + e^(-t)) dt = 225t - 450e^(-1/2t) - 225e^(-t) + C

3. Calculate the integral at t = 4:

225(4) - 450e^(-1/2*4) - 225e^(-4) = 900 - 450e^(-2) - 225e^(-4)

4. Calculate the integral at t = 0:

225(0) - 450e^(-1/2*0) - 225e^(-0) = 0 - 450e^(0) - 225 = -450

5. Calculate the average of the squared values by dividing the integral difference by the width of the interval:

Average of the squared values = (integral at t = 4 - integral at t = 0) / (width of the interval)

= (900 - 450e^(-2) - 225e^(-4) - (-450)) / 4

= (450 + 450e^(-2) + 225e^(-4)) / 4

6. Finally, take the square root of the average of squared values to find the RMS value:

RMS value = sqrt((450 + 450e^(-2) + 225e^(-4)) / 4)

After evaluating this expression, we find that the RMS value of the function i(t) = 15(1 - e^(-1/2t)) from t = 0 to t = 4 is approximately 7.5sqrt(1 + 2e^(-2) + e^(-4)).

So, the correct answer for the average value is A) 7.5(1 + e^(-2)), and the correct answer for the RMS value is A) 7.5 sqrt(1 + 2e^(-2) + e^(-4)).