What was the purpose of the Charlottetown Conference of 1864?

The purpose of the Charlottetown Conference of 1864 was to unite the colonies and form a large colony...

Is that right?

It says that it was held for representatives from the colonies of BNA to discuss Canadian Confederation. They whole idea was to unite with the maritimes.


Yes, that is correct. The purpose of the Charlottetown Conference of 1864 was to discuss and explore the possibility of uniting the colonies of British North America – specifically, the provinces of Canada, New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia – with the goal of creating a federated or larger colony. The conference was initially intended to address the issue of maritime union among the Maritime Provinces, but it evolved into broader discussions about forming a federal union. The delegates at the conference ultimately laid the groundwork for the Confederation conferences that followed, which eventually led to the creation of the Dominion of Canada in 1867.