Can you please check if everything is correct now? I made the chages you told me. I have one more doubt in n. 3: Can I used "bored with" instead of bored by?

1)She was really upset about her uncle’s death.
2)She was embarrassed about the way her father treated her/about asking for money.
3) I was bored/ fed up with her behaviour in class.
They were content with their exam results.
4) I was frightened/afraid of heights.
Johnny has got a headache and he can’t train.
5) Storm is training for the triathlon alone. Her times are fast but she finds training alone boring.Johnny believes that if she entered the triathlon, she would do really well.
6)She believes that she is not fast enough.
7) However, she fears that if she had a faster bike (a racer) , she would fall off.

In #3, you do know that "bored" and "fed up" are not synonyms, right?

bored by

fed up with

To check if everything is correct, we can analyze each sentence one by one:

1) She was really upset about her uncle’s death.
This sentence is grammatically correct and expresses that the person is feeling strong emotions about her uncle's death.

2) She was embarrassed about the way her father treated her/about asking for money.
This sentence is also grammatically correct. It shows that the person is experiencing embarrassment either because of the way her father treated her or because she had to ask for money.

3) I was bored/ fed up with her behavior in class.
Both "bored with" and "bored by" are correct in this context, but they convey slightly different meanings. "Bored with" implies that you have lost interest in her behavior, while "bored by" implies that her behavior is the direct cause of your boredom. Therefore, you can use either "bored with" or "bored by" depending on the intended meaning.

4) They were content with their exam results.
This sentence is grammatically correct and shows that they are satisfied or happy with their exam results.

5) Storm is training for the triathlon alone. Her times are fast, but she finds training alone boring. Johnny believes that if she entered the triathlon, she would do really well.
This set of sentences is grammatically correct. It describes Storm's situation and how she feels about training alone. Johnny believes that if Storm decides to participate in the triathlon, she would perform exceptionally well.

6) She believes that she is not fast enough.
This sentence is grammatically correct. It expresses her belief that she lacks the necessary speed for something, although the context is not specified in the given information.

7) However, she fears that if she had a faster bike (a racer), she would fall off.
This sentence is also grammatically correct. It shows her fear that using a faster bike (specifically, a racer) would result in her falling off.

Overall, the sentences are correct. In question 3, you can choose between "bored with" and "bored by" depending on the intended meaning.