A child who drinks a lot of milk but rejects most solid foods may develop the symptoms of ____ because the child is deficient in the mineral ____.

A) anemia, iron
B) indigestion, phosphorus
C) kidney stones, iron
D) rickets, calcium

Anemia, iron

A child who drinks large quantities of milk but rejects most solid foods may develop ____ because he or she will be deficient in the mineral ____

anemia, iron

anemia, iron

The correct answer is D) rickets, calcium.

Rickets is a condition that occurs in children when there is a deficiency of calcium. It is characterized by soft and weak bones, causing deformities and delays in growth. In this scenario, the child drinks a lot of milk but rejects solid foods, which suggests a limited intake of foods that are rich in calcium. Calcium is essential for the formation and strengthening of bones, and without an adequate intake, the child may develop rickets.

To determine the answer to this question, we need to understand the symptoms associated with calcium deficiency and match them with the given options. In this case, anemia (option A) is a condition caused by a deficiency of iron, not calcium. Indigestion (option B) is a broad term used to describe digestive discomfort and is not related to calcium deficiency. Kidney stones (option C) are usually formed due to an excess of certain minerals, especially calcium, in the urine, rather than a deficiency of calcium.

Therefore, the correct answer is D) rickets, calcium.