1. Dr. Hannah places a stethoscope to a seven-year-old child’s chest. The lungs reveal basilar rales. Which method is Dr. Hannah using to perform the physical examination?

A. Auscultation C. Percussion

B. Palpation D. Visualization

2. Cardiology is the study of the heart. Which of the following terms describes the foundation upon which the medical word is built that usually relates to the body organ involved?

A. Prefix C. Root

B. Suffix D. Combining form

3. A patient visits the doctor’s office with abdominal pain of two days’ duration. Medical history is significant for tonsillectomy and hypertension. The patient denies alcohol and drug abuse. The rectal examination confirms heme-negative stool. Impression: Abdominal pain. Which of the following items represents a symptom?

A. Abdominal pain C. Heme-negative stool

B. Tonsillectomy D. Hypertension

4. Gastrectomy is listed as the principal procedure on the surgical report.You know that

(-ectomy) means excision or surgical removal. What part of the medical word does “-ectomy” represent?

A. Root C. Prefix

B. Suffix D. Combining form

5. The histology report showed adenocarcinoma. What type of information appears in this report?

A. Tissue structure C. Condition of a particular organ

B. Presence of cancer in an organ D. Condition of the heart

6. You’re asked to change plural medical words to the singular form. Which of the following combinations represents the correct conversion?

A. Criterion, criteria C. Lumen, lumina

B. Bacteria, bacterium D. Ganglion, ganglia

7. A 15-year-old female patient has experienced daily nausea for the past two months. The patient states that she feels like “I’ve eaten something that has upset my stomach.” She denies vomiting and weight loss. The patient has noticed a weight gain of 10 lb within this two-month period. Which heading of the medical history and physical examination does this statement represent?

A. Family history C. Social history

B. Chief complaint D. Present illness

8. The patient’s glucose is 80 mg/dL (80 mg% is approximately an equivalent expression— some hospitals and other health care institutions use the former unit construction, whereas others use the latter); creatinine, 0.2 mg/dL (0.2 mg% is approximately an equivalent expression); and albumin is within normal limits. These test results represent part of a

A. blood chemistry profile. C. electrocardiogram.

B. urinalysis. D. diagnosis.

9. The lateral ports were removed. Where would these ports be located?

A. Toward the back C. Farthest from the median

B. Toward the head D. Toward the front

10. A 65-year-old patient has a murmur over the apex of the heart. What does the term apex represent?

A. Tip C. Front

B. Nearest the middle D. Back

11. The patient reports smoking three packs of cigarettes per month. She denies drug and alcohol use. This statement is an example of

A. social history. C. physical examination.

B. family history. D. chief complaint.

12. Which of the following words is spelled correctly according to your medical dictionary’s definition for the function of cells, tissues, and organs of a living organism?

A. Physiologie C. Phsyology

B. Physiology D. Physeology

13. The patient went into cardiac arrest. The (-ac) portion of the word is a/an

A. noun suffix. C. combining form.

B. plural suffix. D. adjective suffix.

14. A 16-year-old patient is having problems with a swollen gland on the left side of her neck. The physician is most likely to use _______ to determine if the gland has any atypical characteristics.

A. auscultation C. palpation

B. percussion D. visualization

15. During surgery 1 cm of subcutaneous fat is revealed. What does the prefix in the word subcutaneous mean?

A. Across C. Around

B. Under D. Within

16. The patient’s face shows pustular lesions and comedone formation. The skin’s surface is quite inflamed. Which of the following diagnoses best describes this statement?

A. Rosacea B. Sebaceous cyst C. Acne vulgaris D. Measles

17. A 33-year-old patient was admitted to the hospital for treatment of angina. The physician’s medication orders included nitroglycerin. What type of action does this drug have?

A. Palliative B. Placebo C. Therapeutic D. Prophylactic

18. Severe pruritus indicates

A. pain.. B. inflammation. C. itchiness D. bruising.

19. The patient was brought to the hospital emergency room with a stab wound to the patellar area. A needle was inserted to remove synovial fluid from the joint. What type of procedure was done?

A. Arthrocentesis B. Revision arthroplasty C. Meniscectomy D. Ostectomy

20. The patient was prescribed suppositories to be inserted rectally for nausea and vomiting. What drug administration route is being used in this scenario?

A. Gastrointestinal B. Intramuscular C. Parenteral D. Subcutaneous

21. The bx of the skin lesion was benign. What does the abbreviation bx stand for?

A. Bactroban B. Biopsy C. Basal cell carcinoma D. Burn xeroderma

22. The medication presently prescribed is Rhinocort Aqua spray. This medication is

taken through which medication route?

A. Rectal B. Inhalation C. Topical D. Intravenous

23. Apply the “ung” to the skin. Ung stands for

A. solution. B. injection. C. orally. D. ointment.

24. The young woman’s arm was covered with tiny ephelides, which are

A. birthmarks. B. freckles. C. small tumors D. cysts.

25. What does the abbreviation “AD” represent in a medical report?

A. Left ear B. Both ears C. Right ear D. Right eye

26. The patient is taking codeine, a drug that has a high potential for

A. side effects. B. toxicity. C. absorption. D. addiction.

27. A patient has lost interest in normal activities, feels sad, and has experienced a loss in appetite. The physician is most likely to prescribe a/an ______ to elevate the patient’s


A. anticonvulsant B. antidepressant C. diuretic D. emetic

28. A 30-year-old female is three months pregnant. She’s suffering from severe nausea and vomiting. The doctor prescribes a/an

A. antiemetic. B. analgesic C. gastrointestinal drug. D. anticonvulsant.

29. The patient has dermatitis. What does the suffix in this term represent?

A. Pertaining to B. Hernia C. Discoloration D. Inflammation

30. Anna has an upper respiratory tract infection. She has had a fever of 103°F for the past three days. She is taking Tylenol to help reduce her fever. What type of drug action does this medication provide?

A. Placebo B. Prophylactic C. Therapeutic D. Palliative

31. Which of the following terms indicates a slow heart beat?

A. Bradycardia B. Stenosis C. Infarct D. Murmur

32. The patient had a free-moving clot. What’s another term for this type of clot?

A. Gangrene B. Embolism C. Stenosis D. Murmur

33. The patient was brought into the emergency room with symptoms of a heart attack.

What diagnosis does heart attack indicate?

A. Myocarditis B. Myocardial infarction C. Cardiac arrest D. Ischemia

34. One type of abnormal heart sound is referred to as a/an

A. heart murmur. B. infarct. C. regurgitation. D. mitral valve prolapse.

35. A 67-year-old female has a heart valve that’s failing to close completely. Which diagnosis indicates this condition?

A. Mitral valve prolapse B. Valvular insufficiency C. Ischemia D. Heart murmur

36. History revealed that the patient previously underwent a postsurgical procedure to correct valvular stenosis. What’s the name of this procedure?

A. Echocardiogram B. Cardiac catheterization C. Heart valve D. Commissurotomy

37. Chart note: The patient complains of a fast heart rate. Which diagnosis does this statement indicate? A. Arrhythmia B. Tachycardia C. Infarct D. Ischemia

38. Chief complaint: Pallor, numbness in the fingers. History of present illness: A 69-year-old female has temporary constriction of arterioles on the skin. Which of the following diagnoses would fit the physician’s impression?

A. Unstable angina B. Pleural effusion C. Raynaud’s phenomenon D. Congestive heart failure

39. With the patient lying in the supine position, the carotid vein was cut. What operative procedure was done?

A. Angioplasty B. Atherectomy C. Embolectomy D. Phlebotomy

40. Tissue necrosis was present due to inadequate blood supply. Which diagnosis best describes this condition?

A. Infarct B. Ischemia C. Mitral valve prolapse D. Varicose veins

41. Vital signs: BP, 140/95. BP (blood pressure) may indicate which of the following diagnoses?

A. Stenosis B. Hypertension C. Coronary artery disease D. Ischemia

42. MVP should be ruled out, which means eliminate the possibility of

A. mitral valve prolapse. B. myocardial infarction. C. myocarditis. D. heart murmur.

43. A 42-year-old black male is admitted to the hospital several times for the treatment of

PVCs. Which of the following conditions does the patient have?

A. Phlebitis B. Premature ventricular contractions C. Peripheral vascular disease D. Pericarditis

44. A radiopaque material was injected into the blood vessels. What type of procedure was performed?

A. Angioplasty B. Holter monitoring C. Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging D. Angiography

45. Which of the following terms describes a bluish discoloration of the extremities due to inadequate supply of oxygen?

A. Coarctation B. Carditis C. Acrocyanosis D. Regurgitation

46. A 42-year-old breast cancer patient’s symptoms have disappeared. What’s the term for this occurrence?

A. Cure B. Immunotherapy C. Remission D. Clinical trial

47. The chest X-ray was performed while the patient was standing with his back to the film. In what view was the X-ray taken?

A. Lateral B. Oblique C. Posteroanterior

D. Anteroposterior

48. Chief complaint: The patient states, “I feel like something is stuck in my windpipe.” What’s another term for windpipe?

A. Pharynx B. Trachea C. Diaphragm D. Epiglottis

49. This 52-year-old school teacher was diagnosed in 1997 with _______. This cancer type represents 90% of all malignancies.

A. mixed-tissue tumor B. sarcoma C. carcinoma D. multiple myeloma

50. Plan: Dr. Hammer has scheduled the patient for chemotherapy. The patient had a mastectomy on June 1, 2000. Chemotherapy used after surgery is referred to as

A. adjuvant chemotherapy. B. hormone therapy. C. biologic therapy. D. simulation.

51. The radiologist is able to evaluate the movement of body organs. What type of radiological procedure is being used?

A. Ultrasound B. Fluoroscopic C. Magnetic resonance imaging examination D. Film survey

52. The patient had a radiogram performed. What does the root word indicate?

A. Same B. Luminous C. Ray D. Life

53. The coding specialist had a TB skin test performed before starting a new job; this test is also known as the _______ test.

A. rhinitis B. cystic fibrosis C. Mantoux D. dysphagia

54. The patient has symptoms indicative of lung inflammation. What’s this patient’s diagnosis?

A. Pneumonia B. Asthma C. Emphysema D. Rhinitis

55. A 60-year-old patient who comes to the emergency room with shortness of breath is experiencing

A. dysphagia. B. inspiration. C. pleural effusion. D. dyspnea.

56. This patient has adenopathy of the lymph nodes. (Aden/o-) means

A. gland..B. disease. C. tumor D. cancer.

57. A patient with bronchitis is directed to take Humabid. What type of medication is being prescribed?

A. Expectorant B. Antihistamine C. Antiemetic D. Diuretic

58. A portion of the patient’s right lung was resected due to lung cancer. Which of the following procedures was performed?

A. Thoracostomy B. Tracheotomy C. Antiemetic D. Pleurectomy

59. The patient was diagnosed with hemothorax. What does the suffix in this term mean?

A. Chest B. Breath C. Nose D. Lung

60. The patient was experiencing indigestion almost every day. The physician performed an upper GI series, also known as a _______ test.

A. bronchographic B. barium C. cholangiographic enema D. barium swallow

1. Dr. Hannah places a stethoscope to a seven-year-old child’s chest. The lungs reveal basilar rales. Which method is Dr. Hannah using to perform the physical examination?

A. Auscultation C. Percussion

B. Palpation D. Visualization

Answer. A

2. Cardiology is the study of the heart. Which of the following terms describes the foundation upon which the medical word is built that usually relates to the body organ involved?

A. Prefix C. Root

B. Suffix D. Combining form

Answer. C

3. A patient visits the doctor’s office with abdominal pain of two days’ duration. Medical history is significant for tonsillectomy and hypertension. The patient denies alcohol and drug abuse. The rectal examination confirms heme-negative stool. Impression: Abdominal pain. Which of the following items represents a symptom?

A. Abdominal pain C. Heme-negative stool

B. Tonsillectomy D. Hypertension

Answer. A

4. Gastrectomy is listed as the principal procedure on the surgical report.You know that

(-ectomy) means excision or surgical removal. What part of the medical word does “-ectomy” represent?

A. Root C. Prefix

B. Suffix D. Combining form

Answer. B

5. What type of information appears in a histology report?

A. Tissue structure C. Blood type

B.Synechia D.Bone Health

Answer. A

6. You’re asked to change plural medical words to the singular form. Which of the following combinations represents the correct conversion?

A. Criterion, criteria C. Lumen, lumina

B. Bacteria, bacterium D. Ganglion, ganglia

Answer. D

7. A 15-year-old female patient has experienced daily nausea for the past two months. The patient states that she feels like “I’ve eaten something that has upset my stomach.” She denies vomiting and weight loss. The patient has noticed a weight gain of 10 lb within this two-month period. Which heading of the medical history and physical examination does this statement represent?

A. Family history C. Social history

B. Chief complaint D. Present illness

Answer. B

8. The patient’s glucose is 80 mg/dL (80 mg% is approximately an equivalent expression— some hospitals and other health care institutions use the former unit construction, whereas others use the latter); creatinine, 0.2 mg/dL (0.2 mg% is approximately an equivalent expression); and albumin is within normal limits. These test results represent part of a

A. blood chemistry profile. C. electrocardiogram.

B. urinalysis. D. diagnosis.

Answer. A

9. The lateral ports were removed. Where would these ports be located?

A. Toward the back C. Farthest from the median

B. Toward the head D. Toward the front

Answer. C

10. A 65-year-old patient has a murmur over the apex of the heart. What does the term apex represent?

A. Tip C. Front

B. Nearest the middle D. Back

Answer. A

11. The patient reports smoking three packs of cigarettes per month. She denies drug and alcohol use. This statement is an example of

A. social history. C. physical examination.

B. family history. D. chief complaint.

Answer. A

12. Which of the following words is spelled correctly according to your medical dictionary’s definition for the function of cells, tissues, and organs of a living organism?

A. Physiologie C. Phsyology

B. Physiology D. Physeology

Answer. B

13. The patient went into cardiac arrest. The (-ac) portion of the word is a/an

A. noun suffix. C. combining form.

B. plural suffix. D. adjective suffix.

Answer. D

14. A 16-year-old patient is having problems with a swollen gland on the left side of her neck. The physician is most likely to use _______ to determine if the gland has any atypical characteristics.

A. auscultation C. palpation

B. percussion D. visualization

Answer. C

15. During surgery 1 cm of subcutaneous fat is revealed. What does the prefix in the word subcutaneous mean?

A. Across C. Around

B. Under D. Within

Answer. B

16. The patient’s face shows pustular lesions and comedone formation. The skin’s surface is quite inflamed. Which of the following diagnoses best describes this statement?

A. Rosacea B. Sebaceous cyst C. Acne vulgaris D. Measles

Answer. D

17. A 45-year old woman is being treated for menopause. The physician's medication orders include Premarin. Permarin is a form of?

A. androgen B.estrogen C. progestin D. cathartic

Answer. B

18. Severe pruritus indicates

A. pain.. B. inflammation. C. itchiness D. bruising.

Answer. C

19. The patient was brought to the hospital emergency room with a stab wound to the patellar area. A needle was inserted to remove synovial fluid from the joint. What type of procedure was done?

A. Arthrocentesis B. Revision arthroplasty C. Meniscectomy D. Ostectomy

Answer. A

20. The patient was prescribed suppositories to be inserted rectally for nausea and vomiting. What drug administration route is being used in this scenario?

A. Gastrointestinal B. Intramuscular C. Parenteral D. Subcutaneous

Answer. A

21. The bx of the skin lesion was benign. What does the abbreviation bx stand for?

A. Bactroban B. Biopsy C. Basal cell carcinoma D. Burn xeroderma

Answer. B

22. The medication presently prescribed is Rhinocort Aqua spray. This medication is

taken through which medication route?

A. Rectal B. Inhalation C. Topical D. Intravenous

Answer. B

23. Apply the “ung” to the skin. Ung stands for

A. solution. B. injection. C. orally. D. ointment.

Answer. D

24. The young woman’s arm was covered with tiny ephelides, which are

A. birthmarks. B. freckles. C. small tumors D. cysts.

Answer. B

25. What does the abbreviation “AD” represent in a medical report?

A. Left ear B. Both ears C. Right ear D. Right eye

Answer. C

26. The patient is taking codeine, a drug that has a high potential for

A. side effects. B. toxicity. C. absorption. D. addiction.

Answer. D

27. A patient has lost interest in normal activities, feels sad, and has experienced a loss in appetite. The physician is most likely to prescribe a/an ______ to elevate the patient’s


A. anticonvulsant B. antidepressant C. diuretic D. emetic

Answer. B

28. A 30-year-old female is three months pregnant. She’s suffering from severe nausea and vomiting. The doctor prescribes a/an

A. antiemetic. B. analgesic C. gastrointestinal drug. D. anticonvulsant.

Answer. A

29. The patient has dermatitis. What does the suffix in this term represent?

A. Pertaining to B. Hernia C. Discoloration D. Inflammation

Answer. D

30. Anna has an upper respiratory tract infection. She has had a fever of 103°F for the past three days. She is taking Tylenol to help reduce her fever. What type of drug action does this medication provide?

A. Placebo B. Prophylactic C. Therapeutic D. Palliative

Answer. D

31. Which of the following terms indicates a slow heart beat?

A. Bradycardia B. Stenosis C. Infarct D. Murmur

Answer. A

32. The patient had a free-moving clot. What’s another term for this type of clot?

A. Gangrene B. Embolism C. Stenosis D. Murmur

Answer. B

33. The patient was brought into the emergency room with symptoms of a heart attack.

What diagnosis does heart attack indicate?

A. Myocarditis B. Myocardial infarction C. Cardiac arrest D. Ischemia

Answer. B

34. One type of abnormal heart sound is referred to as a/an

A. heart murmur. B. infarct. C. regurgitation. D. mitral valve prolapse.

Answer. A

35. A 67-year-old female has a heart valve that’s failing to close completely. Which diagnosis indicates this condition?

A. Mitral valve prolapse B. Valvular insufficiency C. Ischemia D. Heart murmur

Answer. A

36. History revealed that the patient previously underwent a postsurgical procedure to correct valvular stenosis. What’s the name of this procedure?

A. Echocardiogram B. Cardiac catheterization C. Heart valve D. Commissurotomy

Answer. D

37. Chart note: The patient complains of a fast heart rate. Which diagnosis does this statement indicate?
A. Arrhythmia B. Tachycardia C. Infarct D. Ischemia

Answer. B

38. Chief complaint: Pallor, numbness in the fingers. History of present illness: A 69-year-old female has temporary constriction of arterioles on the skin. Which of the following diagnoses would fit the physician’s impression?

A. Unstable angina B. Pleural effusion C. Raynaud’s phenomenon D. Congestive heart failure

Answer. C

39. With the patient lying in the supine position, the carotid vein was cut. What operative procedure was done?

A. Angioplasty B. Atherectomy C. Embolectomy D. Phlebotomy

Answer. C

40. Tissue necrosis was present due to inadequate blood supply. Which diagnosis best describes this condition?

A. Infarct B. Ischemia C. Mitral valve prolapse D. Varicose veins

Answer. B

41. Vital signs: BP, 140/95. BP (blood pressure) may indicate which of the following diagnoses?

A. Stenosis B. Hypertension C. Coronary artery disease D. Ischemia

Answer. B

42. MVP should be ruled out, which means eliminate the possibility of

A. mitral valve prolapse. B. myocardial infarction. C. myocarditis. D. heart murmur.

Answer. A

43. A 42-year-old black male is admitted to the hospital several times for the treatment of

PVCs. Which of the following conditions does the patient have?

A. Phlebitis B. Premature ventricular contractions C. Peripheral vascular disease D. Pericarditis

Answer. B

44. A radiopaque material was injected into the blood vessels. What type of procedure was performed?

A. Angioplasty B. Holter monitoring C. Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging D. Angiography

Answer. A

45. Which of the following terms describes a bluish discoloration of the extremities due to inadequate supply of oxygen?

A. Coarctation B. Carditis C. Acrocyanosis D. Regurgitation

Answer. C

46. A 42-year-old breast cancer patient’s symptoms have disappeared. What’s the term for this occurrence?

A. Cure B. Immunotherapy C. Remission D. Clinical trial

Answer. C

47. The chest X-ray was performed while the patient was standing with his back to the film. In what view was the X-ray taken?

A. Lateral B. Oblique C. Posteroanterior

D. Anteroposterior

Answer. D

48. Chief complaint: The patient states, “I feel like something is stuck in my windpipe.” What’s another term for windpipe?

A. Pharynx B. Trachea C. Diaphragm D. Epiglottis

Answer. B

49. This 52-year-old school teacher was diagnosed in 1997 with _______. This cancer type represents 90% of all malignancies.

A. mixed-tissue tumor B. sarcoma C. carcinoma D. multiple myeloma

Answer. D

50. Plan: Dr. Hammer has scheduled the patient for chemotherapy. The patient had a mastectomy on June 1, 2000. Chemotherapy used after surgery is referred to as

A. adjuvant chemotherapy. B. hormone therapy. C. biologic therapy. D. simulation.

Answer. B

51. The radiologist is able to evaluate the movement of body organs. What type of radiological procedure is being used?

A. Ultrasound B. Fluoroscopic C. Magnetic resonance imaging examination D. Film survey

Answer. B

52. The patient had a radiogram performed. What does the root word indicate?

A. Same B. Luminous C. Ray D. Life

Answer. C

53. The coding specialist had a TB skin test performed before starting a new job; this test is also known as the _______ test.

A. rhinitis B. cystic fibrosis C. Mantoux D. dysphagia

Answer. C

54. The patient has symptoms indicative of lung inflammation. What’s this patient’s diagnosis?

A. Pneumonia B. Asthma C. Emphysema D. Rhinitis

Answer. A

55. A 60-year-old patient who comes to the emergency room with shortness of breath is experiencing

A. dysphagia. B. inspiration. C. pleural effusion. D. dyspnea.

Answer. A

56. This patient has adenopathy of the lymph nodes. (Aden/o-) means

A. gland..B. disease. C. tumor D. cancer.

Answer. A

57. A patient with bronchitis is directed to take Humabid. What type of medication is being prescribed?

A. Expectorant B. Antihistamine C. Antiemetic D. Diuretic

Answer. A

58. A portion of the patient’s right lung was resected due to lung cancer. Which of the following procedures was performed?

A. Thoracostomy B. Tracheotomy C. Antiemetic D. Pleurectomy

Answer. A

59. The patient was diagnosed with hemothorax. What does the suffix in this term mean?

A. Chest B. Breath C. Nose D. Lung

Answer. A

60. The patient was experiencing indigestion almost every day. The physician performed an upper GI series, also known as a _______ test.

A. bronchographic B. barium C. cholangiographic enema D. barium swallow

Answer D

1. Dr. Hannah is using the method of A. Auscultation to perform the physical examination. Auscultation involves listening to the internal sounds of the body using a stethoscope, and in this case, she is listening to the child's lungs to identify any abnormal sounds.

2. The term that describes the foundation upon which the medical word is built and usually relates to the body organ involved is C. Root. The root of a medical word gives the basic meaning and often indicates the body part being discussed.

3. In this case, the symptom is A. Abdominal pain. A symptom is a subjective indication or complaint reported by the patient, in this case, the patient's abdominal pain.

4. The part of the medical word that the suffix "-ectomy" represents is B. Suffix. A suffix is a word part added to the end of a word to modify its meaning. In this case, "-ectomy" means excision or surgical removal.

5. The information that appears in the histology report is A. Tissue structure. Histology is the study of tissues, and a histology report provides information about the microscopic structure of the tissue sample, which in this case showed adenocarcinoma.

6. The correct conversion to change plural medical words to the singular form is B. Bacteria, bacterium. Bacteria is the plural form, and bacterium is the singular form.

7. This statement represents D. Present illness. The present illness section of the medical history and physical examination focuses on the current problem or condition that brought the patient to seek medical attention.

8. These test results represent part of A. blood chemistry profile. A blood chemistry profile is a collection of blood tests that provide information about various aspects of a person's health, including glucose, creatinine, and albumin levels.

9. The lateral ports would be located C. Farthest from the median. Lateral means away from the centerline or median of the body, so the lateral ports would be farthest from the median.

10. The term apex represents A. Tip. In the context of the heart, the apex refers to the pointed end or tip of the heart.

11. This statement is an example of A. social history. Social history includes information about the patient's lifestyle, habits, and social factors that may influence their health. In this case, the patient's smoking and denial of drug and alcohol use are part of the social history.

12. The correct spelling, according to the definition for the function of cells, tissues, and organs of a living organism, is B. Physiology. Physiology is the science of the normal function of living organisms.

13. The (-ac) portion of the word "cardiac" is a/an A. noun suffix. In this case, the suffix "-ac" is added to the base word "cardia" to form the adjective "cardiac."

14. The physician is most likely to use C. palpation to determine if the gland has any atypical characteristics. Palpation involves using the hands and fingers to feel or examine the body for abnormalities.

15. The prefix in the word "subcutaneous" means B. Under. The prefix "sub-" means under or below, and in this case, "subcutaneous" refers to something beneath the skin.

16. The best diagnosis that describes the statement is C. Acne vulgaris. The statement describes pustular lesions, comedone formation, and inflamed skin, which are all characteristics of acne vulgaris.

17. Nitroglycerin has a A. palliative action. Palliative actions aim to relieve or alleviate symptoms without addressing the underlying cause. In the case of angina, nitroglycerin helps to relieve chest pain by relaxing and dilating the blood vessels.

18. Severe pruritus indicates C. itchiness. Pruritus is the medical term for itching.

19. The type of procedure that was done to remove synovial fluid from the joint is A. Arthrocentesis. Arthrocentesis is a procedure where a needle is inserted into a joint to remove fluid for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes.

20. The drug administration route being used in this scenario is A. Gastrointestinal. Suppositories are inserted rectally, which is considered a gastrointestinal route of administration.

21. The abbreviation "bx" stands for B. Biopsy. Biopsy is a medical procedure where a sample of tissue or cells is taken from the body for examination and diagnosis.

22. The medication Rhinocort Aqua spray is taken through the C. Topical medication route. Topical medications are applied directly to the skin or mucous membranes.

23. The abbreviation "ung" stands for D. ointment. "Ung" is short for unguentum, which means ointment.

24. The small spots on the young woman's arm are B. freckles. Ephelides are freckles, which are small spots or patches of pigmented skin.

25. The abbreviation