A 0.25 kg mass is horizontally attached to a spring with a stiffness 4 N/m. The damping

constant b for the system is 1 N-sec/m. If the mass is displaced 0.5 m to the left and given an
initial velocity of 1 m/sec to the left, find the equation of motion. What is the maximum
displacement that the mass will attain?

Differential equations, initial value problem.

The general equation of motion is:
mx"+Bx'+kx=f(t), where the independent variable is t, and the displacement x is the dependent variable.

In this case, external force f(t)=0, so
we have a differential equation of motion with constant coefficients:
Divide by the leading coefficient:
Auxiliary equation:
m1=-2+2√3, m2=-2-2√3
α=-2, β=2√3
So the solution for x is:
Since x(0)=-0.5, we have
or C1=-0.5

x'(0)=-1 to get
Therefore the equation of motion is:

Check my arithmetic.

To find the equation of motion and the maximum displacement, we can use the principles of Newton's Second Law and Hooke's Law.

Let's start by writing the equation of motion for the system. The equation of motion relates the mass, the spring constant, the damping constant, displacement, and velocity.

The equation of motion can be written as:
m * x'' + b * x' + k * x = 0

m is the mass (0.25 kg)
x is the displacement of the mass from its equilibrium position
x' is the velocity of the mass
x'' is the acceleration of the mass
b is the damping constant (1 N-sec/m)
k is the stiffness of the spring (4 N/m)

To find the equation of motion, let's substitute the given values into the equation:
0.25 * x'' + 1 * x' + 4 * x = 0

To solve this second-order differential equation, we need to assume a solution of the form x = e^(rt), where r is a constant.

Substituting this assumed solution into the equation, we get:
0.25 * (r^2 * e^(rt)) + 1 * (r * e^(rt)) + 4 * (e^(rt)) = 0

Dividing through by e^(rt), we obtain:
0.25 * r^2 + r + 4 = 0

Solving this quadratic equation for r, we find two solutions:
r = -1 ± sqrt(15)i

Since the roots are complex (imaginary), the general solution for x(t) will involve sinusoidal functions.

The general solution for x(t) can be written as:
x(t) = Ae^(-t/4) * cos(sqrt(15)t) + Be^(-t/4) * sin(sqrt(15)t)

To find the values of A and B, we need initial conditions. Given that the mass is displaced 0.5 m to the left and given an initial velocity of 1 m/sec to the left, we can use these initial conditions to find A and B:

At t = 0:
x(0) = A = -0.5 (displacement of 0.5 m to the left)

Differentiating x(t) with respect to time, we get:
x'(t) = -(A/4)e^(-t/4) * cos(sqrt(15)t) - (A/4)e^(-t/4)sqrt(15) * sin(sqrt(15)t) - (B/4)e^(-t/4) * sin(sqrt(15)t) + (B/4)e^(-t/4)sqrt(15) * cos(sqrt(15)t)

At t = 0:
x'(0) = -(A/4) - (B/4)sqrt(15) = -1 (initial velocity of 1 m/sec to the left)

Solving the above equations, we can find the values of A and B.

Once we have the equation of motion x(t), we can find the maximum displacement by observing the amplitude of the oscillations. The maximum displacement is given by the absolute value of the coefficient A.

Therefore, the maximum displacement that the mass will attain is 0.5 m.

Note: It's important to note that this solution assumes ideal conditions for the system. In reality, there may be deviations due to non-ideal behavior or external factors.