The weather forecast is for warmer air and lower air pressure. What other change would you expect? a. Higher humidity b. strong winds c. Lower humidity d. Violent winds. I think the answer is f, but I am not sure.

...and what is the position of the sun ,moon and earth during a full moon, new moon and summer solstice.

To determine the expected change in weather conditions, we can analyze the given information. Warmer air and lower air pressure are typically associated with certain weather patterns. One of the possible changes we can expect is an increase in humidity. When air is warmer, it has a higher capacity to hold moisture, resulting in higher humidity levels.

However, the question does not provide enough information to definitively determine whether there will be strong or violent winds. Changes in air pressure can influence wind patterns, but other factors, like temperature gradients and geographic features, also play a role in determining wind strength. Therefore, we cannot conclude that option "b" or option "d" is the correct answer based on the information provided.

Therefore, the best answer among the given options is "a. Higher humidity."